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Restore a DB2 MultiNode Database


Customer Managed

This operation is used to Restore a DB2 MultiNode Backupset

Request Body
  • taskInfo object required
  • associations object[] required
  • clientName string

    Name of the pseudo client

  • instanceName string

    Name of the DB2 MultiNode Instance

  • displayName string

    Display name of Pseudo client

  • backupsetId integer required

    Backupset ID of DB2 MultiNode Database

  • _type_ string required
  • instanceId integer required

    ID of DB2 MultiNode Instance

  • backupsetGUID string
  • clientId integer required

    ID of the Pseudo Client

  • appName string

    DB2 MultiNode

  • backupsetName string

    DB2 MultiNode DB Name

  • applicationId integer required

    Possible values: [103]

    Application ID for DB2 MultiNode is 103

  • entityInfo object
  • companyId integer
  • companyName string
  • multiCommcellId integer
  • isDefaultBackupSet boolean
  • entityName string

    It will be in the format of InstanceName/BackupsetName

  • commCellId integer
  • task object required
  • taskType integer required

    1 for backup / restore

  • initiatedFrom integer
  • subTasks object[] required
  • subTask object required
  • subTaskType integer required

    3 for restore

  • operationType integer required

    1001 for inplace / out of place restore , 1005 for restore to disk

  • options object
  • restoreOptions object required
  • browseOption object
  • commCellId integer
  • timeRange object

    pass this if you to browse based on specific timestamps

  • fromTime integer

    start timestamp

  • toTime integer

    end timestamp

  • mediaOption object
  • proxyForSnapClients object

    Pass this object if you want to use a different client as proxy for snap restore

  • clientId integer

    ID of client that should be used as proxy

  • clientName string
  • mediaAgent object

    Pass this object to restore data from specific media agent

  • mediaAgentId integer

    Pass ID of media agent from which data should be restored

  • destination object

    destination client details

  • destClient object
  • clientName string
  • instanceName string
  • displayName string
  • backupsetId integer

    destination backupset ID (necessary only for Inplace restore)

  • _type_ integer
  • instanceId integer

    Destination instance ID

  • backupsetGUID string
  • clientId integer

    Destination Client ID

  • appName string

    DB2 MultiNode

  • backupsetName string
  • applicationId integer

    Possible values: [103]

    103 for DB2 MultiNode

  • entityInfo object
  • companyId integer
  • companyName string
  • multiCommcellId integer
  • isDefaultBackupSet boolean
  • entityName string
  • commCellId integer
  • destinationInstance object

    Details of destination instance

  • clientName string
  • instanceName string
  • displayName string
  • backupsetId integer

    ID of the destination backupset (pass only if the backupset is already present in command center)

  • _type_ integer
  • instanceId integer

    Destination Instance ID

  • backupsetGUID string
  • instanceGUID string
  • clientId integer

    Destination client ID

  • appName string

    DB2 MultiNode

  • backupsetName string
  • applicationId integer

    Possible values: [103]

    103 for DB2 MultiNode

  • entityInfo object
  • companyId integer
  • companyName string
  • multiCommcellId integer
  • isDefaultBackupSet boolean
  • entityName string
  • commCellId integer
  • selected boolean

    True for Out of place restore , False for inplace restore

  • oracleOpt object
  • fileOption object
  • sourceItem object[]

    Pass the tablespaces to restore , pass the job id's in case of Restore to disk

  • commonOptions object
  • revert boolean

    True if using hardware revert

  • jobIds object[]

    Pass jobid's in case of restore to disk

  • db2Option object required
  • rollForward boolean

    True if you want to rollforward DB

  • rollForwardPending boolean

    True if you want to leave DB in rollforward pending mode

  • rollForwardTime object

    pass this object if you to rollforward to a specific point in time

  • time integer

    Timestamp until which DB should be rollforwarded

  • rollForwardToEnd integer

    Possible values: [0, 1]

    1 if you are rollforwarding DB to end of logs else 0

  • useAlternateLogFile boolean

    True if you want to pass alternate log file path

  • alternateLogFile string

    Pass the alternate log file path using this parameter

  • rollForwardDir string

    pass the overflow log directory using this parameter

  • restoreArchiveLogs boolean

    True if you want to do log restore

  • logTimeStart boolean

    True if mentioned starting timestamp of log restore

  • logTimeEnd boolean

    True if mentioned ending timestamp for log restore

  • archiveLogTime boolean

    True if you want to restore logs based on timestamp

  • logTimeRange object

    pass this object to pass log restore timestamps

  • fromTime integer

    Starting timestamp

  • toTime integer

    Ending timestamp

  • useLogTarget boolean

    True if you want to use log target option

  • useLatestImage boolean

    True if you want to use latest backup image

  • redirect boolean

    True if you want to redirect tablespaces or storage groups

  • restoreData boolean

    True if you to want to restore data

  • recoverDb boolean

    True if you to want to recover DB (only applicable for inplace)

  • useSnapRestore boolean

    True if you want to do snap restore

  • restoreIncremental boolean
  • restoreType integer

    0 for full DB restore , 1 for Subset restore

  • restoreOnline boolean

    True for Subset restore , False for Full DB restore

  • targetDb string

    Target DB name for restore

  • targetPath string

    pass DB path where it should be created if target DB is not present inside client

  • storagePath boolean
  • redirectAllTableSpacesSelected boolean
  • redirectStorageGroups boolean

    True if you want to redirect storage groups

  • storageGroupInfo object

    pass this object with storage groups to redirect

  • storageGroup object[]

    pass storage group objects

  • groupName string

    storage group name

  • stoPaths string[]

    path to redirect storage group

  • commonOpts object
  • notifyUserOnJobCompletion boolean

    True if you want to get notified post job completion

  • prePostOpts object

    pass this object if you want to execute any pre or post commands

  • preRecoveryCommand string

    path to pre recovery command file

  • postRecoveryCommand string

    path to post recovery command file

  • runPostWhenFail boolean

    True if you want to run post recovery command even if job fails

  • impersonation object

    pass this object if you want to impersonate user to run pre and post recovery commands

  • level integer
  • user object

    pass user details in this object for pre post command user impersonation

  • userName string


  • password string

    Base 64 encoded Password

  • confirmPassword string

    Confirm password



  • taskId integer
  • jobIds string[]