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Create OpenID Connect App


Customer Managed

Add a new OpenID Connect App

Before you begin

Go to your OpenID Connect Provider portal and do the following

  • To obtain a client ID and a client secret, create a web authorization client and associate with specific web consoles
    1. For the redirect URLs, enter the URLs of your webconsoles appended with / Include the port number in the URL, for examples:
    2. Make a note of the client ID and client secret.
  • Obtain the discovery endpoint URL for the provider, for example:
  • Verify that the ID Tokens are signed using RS256 algorithm. To do this, navigate to the OpenID Connect discovery endpoint URL and see that 'RS256' is one of the values listed under [id_token_signing_alg_values_supported].

More Info

Request Body
  • opType integer

    Default value: 1

    opType 1=create, 2=delete and 3=update

  • clientThirdPartyApps object[]

    ThirdParty APP Details

  • appType integer required

    Default value: 5

    AppType is 5 for openID

  • appName string required

    Name of the openID App

  • appDisplayName string

    Display name of the app

  • appDescription string

    App Description

  • isEnabled boolean

    Flag to enable/disable the app

  • assocTree object[]

    Add the List of associations for the openId app

  • userName string


  • userGroupName string

    Usergroup Name

  • providerDomainName string

    IdentityProvider Domain Name or Compamy Name

  • providerId integer

    Company ID. Provider ID 1 for commcell

  • props object

    Properties of the OpenID

  • nameValues object[] required

    List of name value pairs for the openid properties

  • name string required

    Possible values: [clientId, clientSecret, endPointUrl, webConsoleUrls]

    Property name to be added

  • value string

    Value of that property

  • values string[]

    Use array of values for multiple values for the property



  • error object
  • errorString string
  • errorCode integer