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Get Informix instance properties


Customer Managed

This operation fetches the Informix Instance property

Path Parameters
  • instanceId integer required

    InstanceId of the Informix Instance



  • instanceProperties object[]
  • isDeleted boolean
  • applicationSize integer
  • excludeFromSLA boolean
  • version string
  • scIdxEnabled integer
  • isSnapEnabled boolean
  • autoDiscovered boolean
  • instance object
  • clientName string

    Client Name

  • instanceName string

    Instance Name

  • displayName string
  • instanceId integer

    Instance ID

  • instanceGUID string
  • clientId integer

    Client ID

  • appName string

    Default value: Informix

    Application Name

  • applicationId integer

    Default value: 3

    Application ID

  • entityInfo object
  • companyId integer
  • companyName string
  • multiCommcellId integer
  • instanceActivityControl object
  • activityControlOptions object[]
  • activityType integer
  • enableAfterADelay boolean
  • enableActivityType boolean
  • informixInstance object
  • encryptionFlag integer
  • onConfigFile string

    Onconfig file name

  • sqlHostfile string

    SQLHosts file path

  • informixDir string

    Informix home directory

  • informixUser object
  • domainName string


  • userName string

    Informix OS user name

  • informixStorageDevice object
  • softwareCompression integer
  • deDuplicationOptions object
  • generateSignature integer
  • logBackupStoragePolicy object
  • storagePolicyName string

    Log backup storage policy name

  • storagePolicyId integer
  • commandLineStoragePolicy object
  • storagePolicyName string

    Commandline storage policy name

  • storagePolicyId integer
  • cloudDBInstance object
  • overRideAccessNode boolean
  • accessNodes object