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Get Network Topology properties (Deprecated)


Customer Managed


This endpoint has been deprecated and may be removed in future versions of the API.

This operation returns details of a particular network topology.

Path Parameters
  • topologyId string required


  • topologyInfo object

    Topology Object

  • extendedProperties string

    An XML string for additional settings

  • topologyType integer

    Possible values: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

    Type of the topology

  • description string

    Topology description

  • isSmartTopology boolean

    A boolean flag if the topology contains a smart client group

  • firewallGroups object[]

    Firewall groups in the topology

  • fwGroupType integer

    Possible values: [1, 2, 3, 4]

  • isMnemonic boolean

    True if the group is of a smart clientgroup

  • clientGroup object

    Client group object - Pass either name or ID

  • clientGroupName string

    Name of the clientGroup

  • clientGroupId integer

    ID of the client group

  • options object

    Additional settings of the firewall group

  • configureAutomatically boolean

    Flag if the options has to be set automatically

  • tunnelConnectionPort integer

    Edit Tunnel connection port of clients in the client group

  • keepAliveSeconds integer

    Edit the KeepAliveSeconds interval in seconds of the clients in

  • topologyEntity object
  • topologyName string

    Name of the topology
