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Get the list of Recovery groups


Customer Managed

Get the list of Recovery groups



  • recoveryGroups object[]
  • id int32

    Id of the recovery group

  • name string

    Name of the recovery group

  • target object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • postRecoveryActions object[]
  • path string

    The path of the script to be executed. Can be local path on VM or UNC path accessible by access node

  • type string

    Possible values: [UNC, LOCAL]

    The type of path being used for DR operation script

  • scriptCredentials object
  • savedCredentials object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • credentials object
  • name string

    username to access the network path

  • password string

    password to access the network path

  • guestCredentials object
  • savedCredentials object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • credentials object
  • name string

    username to access the network path

  • password string

    password to access the network path

  • guid string

    Unique script identifier string

  • scriptContent string

    Content of the script to be executed

  • scriptName string

    Name of the script

  • reset boolean

    On set to true, resets the script to empty

  • osType string

    Possible values: [WINDOWS, UNIX]

    OS types

  • delayBetweenPriorityMachines int32

    The delay between machines in different priorities in minutes

  • continueOnFailure boolean

    Default value: false

    Set to true to continue to the next priority machines on failure

  • action RecoveryAction

    Possible values: [CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE]

    Recovery Action

  • recoveryPointDetails object

    Contains the information regarding the recovery group level recoveryPoint selection

  • recoveryPoint int32

    Timestamp for group restore in case of disaster, default value is 0 as latest recovery point

  • recoveryPointCategory string

    Possible values: [LATEST, POINT_IN_TIME, AUTOMATIC]

    Default value: LATEST

    Type of recovery point category that can be selected. Default is Latest

  • recoveryPoint int32

    Timestamp for group restore in case of disaster, default value is 0 as latest recovery point
