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Update a Plan Rule


Customer Managed

Api to update existing plan rules. Request body will suggest which rule need to be updated and type of entities(workloads type, server groups, regions and all) that need to be referenced for applying that rule against a workload.

Request Body
  • rule object required
  • id int32
  • GUID string
  • name string
  • plan object
  • id int32
  • GUID string
  • name string
  • workloads object[]

    This will include list of apptypes that should be evaluated against workload apptype for plan association.

  • id int32
  • name string
  • serverGroups object[]

    This will include list of Server groups that should be evaluated against workload server group for plan association.

  • id int32
  • GUID string
  • name string
  • regions object[]

    This will include list of regions that should be evaluated against workload region for plan association.

  • id int32
  • GUID string
  • name string
  • rank int32

    [Optional] - This field will suggest rank/priority of rule.

  • solutions object[]

    This will include list of solutions that should be evaluated against workload for plan association.

  • id int32
  • name string
  • tags object[]

    This will include list of tags that should be evaluated against workload for plan association

  • GUID string

    GUID for the tag

  • id int32

    Id for the tag

  • name string

    Name for the plan rule tag which need to be matched against tag of the workload.

  • value string

    Possible value that need to matched against value of tag associated to workload.



  • errorMessage string
  • errorCode int32