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VM Restore Operation


Customer Managed

To restore a virtual machine

Path Parameters
  • vmGuid string required

    GUID of VM to backup

Query Parameters
  • mediaAgentName string

    Media agent name

  • mediaAgentId string

    Media agent id

  • fromTime string

    Restore window UTC from time. Valid Formats: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss or yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:sszzz or yyyy-MM-dd

  • toTime date-time

    Restore window UTC to time. Valid Formats: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss or yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:sszzz or yyyy-MM-dd

Request Body
  • powerOnVmAfterRestore boolean

    Default value: false

    Turn ON virtual machine after restore. Defaults to false.

  • overwriteVM boolean

    Default value: false

    Unconditionally overwrite VM during restore. Defaults to false.

  • inPlaceRestore boolean required

    Default value: false

    Flag to set if restore is in-place or out-of-place. Defaults to false.

  • backupSource int32

    Backup source information from where you want to restore. 0 (Automatic), 1 (Snap Copy), 2 (Primary), 3 to N (Aux Copy)

  • destination object required
  • id int32
  • name string
  • accessNode object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • accessNodeGroup object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • vmDestinationInfo object required

    Destination informantion for the VM to restore

  • googleCloud object

    Destination information for the GCP VMs to restore

  • googleCloudVMInfoList object[]

    List of Google Cloud VMs that are to be restored

  • instanceId string

    Instance ID of the google cloud virtual machine to be restored. Ex: 123456789123456789.

  • name string

    Default value: Defaults to source VM name

    The new name of the instance after restore. Defaults to source name after restore.

  • projectId string

    GCP Project ID

  • zone string

    Default value: Defaults to source instance zone after restore. For reference:'

    GCP zones. Ex: asia-east1-a. Defaults to source instance zone after restore. For reference:

  • region string

    Default value: Defaults to source instance region after restore. For reference:

    GCP Region. Ex: asia-east1. Defaults to source instance region after restore. For reference:

  • machineType string

    Default value: --Auto Select--

    GCP Machine Family. Ex: c2d-highmem-8. Defaults to --Auto Select--. For Reference:

  • createPublicIP boolean

    Default value: false

    Flag to create external IP after restore. Defaults to false.

  • networkInterfaces object[]

    Google Cloud VM network interfaces list

  • name string

    Name of the network interface card. Ex: nic0.

  • networkName string

    Default value: Defaults to source network name.

    Network Name. Ex: default. Defaults to source network name.

  • subnetId string

    Default value: Defaults to source subnet

    Subnet self-link. Format:{Subnet Name}. Defaults to source subnet self-link.

  • networkId string

    Default value: Defaults to source network self-link.

    Network self-link. Format:{Network Name}. Defaults to source network self-link.

  • internalIP ipv4

    Default value: Defaults to the source internal IP after restore.

    Internal IP address. Defaults to the source internal IP after restore.

  • externalIP ipv4

    Default value: Defaults to null and is not set after restore.

    External IP Address. Defaults to null and is not set after restore.

  • customMetadata object[]

    GCP custom metadata key-value pairs

  • name string
  • value string
  • nodeAffinities object[]

    Node affinity for the virtual machine to provision virtual machine as sole tenanat VM. Defaults to no node affinity. Format: '[{name:, value: {Node Group Name} }, {name:, value: {Node Name} }]'

  • name string
  • value string
  • namePrefix string

    Adds prefix for VM display name

  • nameSuffix string

    Adds suffix for VM display name

  • azure object

    Destination information for the Azure VMs to restore

  • azureVMInfoList object[]

    List of Azure VMs that are to be restored

  • sourceVMGuid string

    Azure VM ID

  • name string

    Default value: Defaults to source VM name

    Azure VM name to be set after restore. Defaults to source VM name.

  • resourceGroup string

    Default value: Defaults to source VM resource group name

    Azure Resource Group Name. Defaults to source VM resource group name.

  • region string

    Default value: Defaults to source VM region

    Azure region name. Ex: For azure region (West US 3) the region value will be westus3. For reference:

  • availabilityZone string

    Default value: Defaults to Auto

    Azure availablity zones. Defaults to Auto. Values can be as follows: 'Auto' (Select from the source VM config), 'None' (Will not restore to any zone), '{Zone Number}' (Availablity zone number the restored VM should be in. Ex: 2).

  • storageAccount string

    Default value: Defaults to source storage account

    Azure staging storage account. Defaults to source storage account.

  • vmSize string

    Default value: --Auto Select--

    VM size to be after restore. Defaults to --Auto Select--. Ex: Standard_A1.

  • diskType string

    Disk type to set after restore. Ex: Standard_LRS.

  • createPublicIP boolean

    Default value: false

    Boolean to specify if VM should have publice IP. Defaults to false.

  • restoreAsManagedVM boolean

    Default value: true

    Boolean to specify if VM need to be restored as managed VM. Defaults to true.

  • securityGroupId string

    Default value: Defaults to source configuration

    Azure security group to be set for the VM. Defaults to source configuration.

  • diskEncryptionSetTypeId string

    Azure Disk Encryption Type. Values can be: 'EncryptionAtRestWithCustomerKey' or 'EncryptionAtRestWithPlatformAndCustomerKeys' or 'EncryptionAtRestWithPlatformAndCustomerKeys'. For reference:

  • diskEncryptionSetId string

    Azure Disk Encryption Set ID. Format: /subscriptions/{Subscription ID}/resourceGroups/{Resource Group Name}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/diskEncryptionSets/{Disk Encryption Set}.

  • nics object[]

    Azure VM network interface list

  • networkId string

    Azure network ID. Format: /subscriptions/{Subscription ID}/resourceGroups/{Resource Group Name}/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/{Network Name}.

  • subnetId string

    Azure subnet ID. Format: /subscriptions/{Subscription ID}/resourceGroups/{Resource Group Name}/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/{Network Name}/subnets/{Subnet Name}.

  • privateIpAddress ipv4

    Azure private IP address.

  • publicIpAddress ipv4

    Azure publice IP address.

  • publicIpAddressId string

    Azure public IP address ID. Format: /subscriptions/{Subscription ID}/resourceGroups/{Resource Group Name}/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/{Public IP Address Name}.

  • vmTags object[]

    Azure VM tag list

  • name string
  • value string
  • namePrefix string

    Adds prefix for VM display name

  • nameSuffix string

    Adds suffix for VM display name

  • transportMode string

    Possible values: [Auto, SAN, Hot_Add, NAS, NBD_SSL, NBD, EBS_DIRECT, IMPORT]

    Backup transport modes enum

  • restoreFlavour


    Type of restore for virtual machine

  • notifyOnJobCompletion boolean

    Default value: false

    Enable email notificaiton for job status. Defaults to false.

  • reuseVMClient boolean

    Reuse the existing VM client instance of creating new one after restore. Defaults to true for inplace restore and false for out of place restore.



  • taskId int32
  • jobIds string[]

    JobIds for the immediate run request
