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Configure Backup Client for CosmosDB Instance



This API creates a Cosmos Cloud DB Instance on metallic azure.

Cloud DB Content is optional . If not provided all containers in the DB are backed up.

Request Body
  • cloudAccount object required

    cloud account name or id

  • id integer
  • name string
  • region object required

    region id or name

  • id integer
  • plan object required

    plan name or id

  • id integer
  • backupGateways object[]

    backup gateway name or id

  • id integer
  • name string
  • cloudDBContent object

    cloud DB content to be backed up. Payload contains the Array of the contents of the Cosmos DB that should be explicitly backed up. We get this from cloudDBContentPreview API for COSMOS DB.

  • children object[]

    Copy from select backup content

  • path string


  • displayName string
  • name string
  • type string
  • value string


  • instance object
  • id integer
  • name string