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Configure New Azure Storage


Customer Managed

This API adds a cloud storage of type "Microsoft Azure Storage" BYOS.

Request Body

  • name string required

    Azure BYOS Storage name.

  • region object required

    Region id or name where storage will be created

  • id integer

    Region ID

  • name string
  • credential object

    cloud credential ID or Name. Create Storage account credentials and add the details here. Not required for IAM Vm Role Assignment

  • id integer
  • name string
  • container string required

    Container or Library name.

  • backupGateways object[]

    Configure one or more backup gateways

  • id integer required
  • name string required
  • authentication string required

    Possible values: [Access and secret keys, IAM VM role assignment, IAM AD application role assignment (Credential Manager)]

    Authentication type for the storage account

  • serviceHost string

    Default value:

    IP address or fully qualified domain name or URL for the cloud library based on cloud vendor

  • accountName string

    Account Name. Needed for credential type IAM VM role assignment and IAM AD application role assignment (Credential Manager) authentication



  • id integer

    newly created cloud storage id

  • name string

    newly created cloud storage name
