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Full Application Restore - Restore backed up Applications of the application group


Customer Managed

API to run Full Application Restore for an application group

Path Parameters
  • applicationGroupId int32 required

    ID of the application group to restore from

Request Body
  • applications object[]
  • GUID string required
  • name string
  • nameSpace string

    Specify destination namespace of the Application (Picks the source namespace if not specified)

  • storageClass string

    Specify destination storage class to use for restoring PVC (Picks the source storage class if not specified)

  • inPlace boolean

    Run In-Place restore job

  • destinationCluster object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • accessNode object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • overwrite boolean

    Default value: false

    Overwrite if already present

  • timeRange object

    Time range is for time related token rule values to specify from and to time in unix timestamp format.

  • fromTime string

    From time value in unix timestamp format

  • toTime string

    To time value in unix timestamp format

  • modifier string

    Specify list of resource modifier YAML as a string



  • taskId int32
  • jobIds string[]

    JobIds for the immediate run request
