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Browse backed up Namespaces of the application group


Customer Managed

API to browse backed up namespaces for an application group

Path Parameters
  • applicationGroupId int32 required

    ID of the application group to browse for

Query Parameters
  • page int32

    Page number for number of results in pagination

  • limit int32

    Page limit for number of results in pagination

    Example: 100
  • fromTime int32

    Browse from a specific time (in epochs)

    Example: 1693193428
  • toTime int32

    Browse till a specific time (in epochs)

    Example: 1693193901


  • items Kubernetes Application Group Browse Namespace Item[]
  • name string

    Name of the Application

  • GUID string

    GUID of the Application

  • kind string

    Kubernetes resource Kind of the Application

  • applicationSize int32

    Backup size of the Application

  • modificationTime int32

    Modification time of the Application in epochs

  • path string

    Browse path of the Application

  • backupJob Job ID and Time

    Job ID and Time

  • jobId int32

    Job ID of the backup job

  • time int32

    Backup job time (in epochs)
