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Get associated media agents detail for a Plan


Customer Managed

Get list of associated media agents detail for a Plan

Path Parameters
  • planId int32 required

    Plan id of the plan

Query Parameters
  • packageName

    Possible values: [CVS3Service]

    Provide the name of the package that needs to be checked if installed on the Media Agents. isPackageInstalled will be populated accordingly. By default it checks for Media agent package. Refer to packageName list.



  • mediaAgentsList object[]
  • id int32

    Id of the Media agent

  • name string

    Name of the Media agent

  • hostname string

    Hostname of the Media agent

  • isPackageInstalled boolean

    Indicates if packageName sent in query parameter is installed on the Media agent

  • isServiceEnabled boolean

    Indicates if packageName sent in query parameter is running on the MediaAgent

  • offlineSince int64

    Timestamp when the service related to the package went offline

  • regionName string

    Name of the region where Media agent belongs to within the Plan
