Get Network Topology Details
This endpoint is used to return the detail of network topology.
Path Parameters
- topologyId string required
- 200
- 404
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
topologyDetails object
topology object
id int32name stringtopologyType firewallTopologyTypesPossible values: [
]The type of topology of client groups (and sometimes network gateway) for this instance.
clientType firewallClientTypePossible values: [
]The type of clients associated with the topology.
useWildCardProxy booleanFlag determining wether network gateways are used to connect all infrastructure machines
firewallGroups object[]
groupType FirewallFwGroupTypePossible values: [
]A FirewallFwGroupType defines a specific group type within a topology payload.
clientGroupId int32The id of the client group
mnemonic FirewallGroupMnemonicPossible values: [
]Custom names(mnemonics) given to pre-defined smart client groups
advancedOptions object
tunnelPort int32The port defined for communications
keepAliveInterval int32The interval in seconds for sending keep-alive packets, to maintain the session if backup traffic has an extended pause.
encryptTraffic booleanFlag determining if we want the data from tunnel to use HTTPS protocol
tunnelProtocol FirewallTopologyTunnelProtocolPossible values: [
]The protocol for outgoing communication
tunnelsPerRoute int32The number of tunnel connections per route
"topologyDetails": {
"topology": {
"id": 0,
"name": "string"
"topologyType": "NETWORK_GATEWAY",
"clientType": "SERVER",
"useWildCardProxy": true,
"firewallGroups": [
"groupType": "INTERNAL",
"clientGroupId": 0,
"mnemonic": "MY_COMMSERVE",
"advancedOptions": {
"tunnelPort": 0,
"keepAliveInterval": 0
"encryptTraffic": true,
"tunnelProtocol": "REGULAR",
"tunnelsPerRoute": 0
Requested Details not found