Get MediaAgents for DDB
Get All Media Agents for DDB
Query Parameters
- fetchDDBDisks boolean
If set to true then fetch the list of DDB disks hosted on each MediaAgent
- 200
- 404
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
mediaAgents object[]
id int32Id of the media agent.
name stringName of the media agent.
displayName stringDisplay name of the media agent.
releaseId int32Release version of the media agent.
SIMOSId int32Operating System Id of the media agent.
isDDBSubclientConfigured booleanUsed to determine if a DDB subclient has been configured for this media agent.
OSType stringMedia Agent operating system type.
isConfigured booleanUsed to determine if the Media Agent is configured or not.
DDBDisks object[]
List of DDB disks hosted on this MediaAgent
diskId int32Id of the DDB disk
diskPath stringFile path of the DDB disk
clientInfo object
id int32name stringpartitionList object[]
List of DDB partitions hosted on this disk
subStoreId int32Id of the DDB substore
storeId int32Id of the DDB store
storeName stringName of the DDB store
estimatedSubstoreSizeInMB int64Estimated size in MBs occupied by the substore
moveStatusCode int64Status code for the move partition attempt on this substore
moveStatusMsg stringStatus message for the move partition attempt on this substore
isSealed booleanSpecify whether the substore is sealed or not
lastFailedMoveJobId int64JobId of the last failed move job for this substore
isResiliencyEnabled booleanResiliency status of partition
numOfPartitions int32Number of DDB partitions hosted on this disk
status stringPossible values: [
]Satus of the disk
consumedSpaceMB int64Amount of space consumed by the DDB partitions hosted on this disk
freeSpaceMB int64Available usable free space on the disk path
totalSpaceMB int64Total space capacity of the disk path
region object
Region details of the MediaAgent.
id int32name stringdisplayName string
"mediaAgents": [
"id": 0,
"name": "string",
"displayName": "string",
"releaseId": 0,
"SIMOSId": 0,
"isDDBSubclientConfigured": true,
"OSType": "string",
"isConfigured": true,
"DDBDisks": [
"diskId": 0,
"diskPath": "string",
"clientInfo": {
"id": 0,
"name": "string"
"partitionList": [
"subStoreId": 0,
"storeId": 0,
"storeName": "string",
"estimatedSubstoreSizeInMB": 0,
"moveStatusCode": 0,
"moveStatusMsg": "string",
"isSealed": true,
"lastFailedMoveJobId": 0,
"isResiliencyEnabled": true
"numOfPartitions": 0,
"status": "OFFLINE",
"consumedSpaceMB": 0,
"freeSpaceMB": 0,
"totalSpaceMB": 0
"region": {
"id": 0,
"name": "string",
"displayName": "string"
Requested Details not found