Get Policy Details
VM Life cycle management policy details
Path Parameters
- policyId integer required
Target ID
- 200
- 404
- 500
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
entity object
id int32Recovery Target Id
name stringRecovery Target name
policyType stringRecovery target policy type name
applicationType stringPossible values: [
]Recovery target application type
destinationHypervisor object
id int32name stringaccessNode object
id int32name stringtype stringvmDisplayName object
Prefix or Suffix appended to create display name for destination instance
prefix stringA prefix string that will be appended to the source VM to create a display name for each destination VM
suffix stringA suffix string that will be appended to the source VM to create a display name for each destination VM
- vmStoragePolicyName string
Name of Storage policy linked with the vm
securityOptions object
users object[]
Users that have access to the recovery target
id int32name stringfullName stringuserGroups object[]
User groups that have access to the recovery target
id int32name stringsecurityGroups object[]
List of security groups that provide controlled access of the DR VM
id stringSecurity group id
name stringsecurity group name
testSecurityGroups object[]
List of security groups that provide controlled access of the VM in cloud for test failover
id stringSecurity group id
name stringsecurity group name
destinationOptions object
destinationHost stringDestination host for the VM to deploy
dataStore stringDatastore for the destination VM to store the disks and its config files. In-case of Microsoft Hyper-V, datastore refers to the destination folder for restore when default folder is not set.
dataStoreClusterName stringDatastore cluster for the destination VM to store disks and config files in the datastore associated with the datastore cluster.
resourcePoolPath stringResource pool for the destination VM
vmFolder stringFolder path where the destination VM will be located
iamRole object
id int32name stringnetworkOptions object
networkCard object
networkDisplayName stringSelected network display name
network stringName of network switch
subnetId stringSubnet id of the subnet
networkId stringVPC id for the amazon network
destinationNetworks string[]Destination network name
networkNames string[]Name of network to which the nic is connected
cloudNetwork object
label stringCloud network label
networkName stringCloud network name
subnetNames object
name stringvalue stringprovisioningOptions object
maximumCPUCores int32Maximum cores for the VM
numberOfVMs int32Number of VMs that each user can create using this recovery target
minimumMemory stringMinimum memory size in GBs
maximumMemory stringMaximum memory of the VM in GBs
minDiskSpace int32Minimum disk space in GBs
maxDiskSpace int32Maximum disk space in GBs
maxDisks int32Maximum number of disks
namingPattern stringSpecific naming pattern to follow
maxVMQuota int32Maximum number of virtual machines
createdVMCount int32Number of virtual machines created
maxMemoryQuotaGB int32Maximum memory allowed to use in GBs
usedMemoryInGB int32Memory used in GBs
maxCPUQuota int32Maximum number of cores allowed to use
usedCPUCores int32Number of CPU cores used
daysRetainUntil int32Expiration time in days
minNICs int32Minimum number of NICs
isoPaths string[]List of available ISO paths
maxNICs int32Maximum number of NICs
enableBackup booleanEnable backup functionality for virtual machine
allowPublicIP booleanIndicates whether public IP configuration is permitted for the instance
instanceDetails object
iopsLimit int32Maximum IOPS limit of storage device
vmSize object[]
id int32name stringtemplates object[]
vmName stringVM name of template
vmGUID stringVM guid of template
operatingSystem stringPossible values: [
]OS types
operatingSystemDisplayName stringOperating System version
hardDisks object
List of disks attached to template machine
name stringName of the disk
snapshotId stringUnique identifier of the snapshot, applicable if the disk is created from a snapshot
provisioningType stringPossible values: [
]Disk provisioning type
diskSize int64Disk size in bytes
diskType stringPossible values: [
]Type of disk controller
sourceHardDiskType SourceHardDiskTypePossible values: [
]Type of hard disk
diskId stringDisk unique identifier
networkInfo object[]
List of networks and associated subnet
name stringName of network
subnet string[]List of subnets associated to network
cloudDestinationOptions object
region object
id stringGUID of the destination region.
name stringRegion name of destination. In-case of VMWare, region name refers to the destination host cluster name.
keyPair stringName of the key pair that is used to login to the VM
restoreAsManagedVM booleanIf true, restore creates the destination VM as a managed VM in Azure
machineType object
id int32name stringsoleTenancyNodes object[]
name stringvalue stringtags object[]
name stringvalue stringavailabilityZone stringAvailability zone name for the destination instance
vmInstanceType stringInstance type that provides the available cpu cores and memory to the machine
encryptionKey object
id int32name stringvolumeType stringVolume type of destination VM
testDiskType stringDisk / Volume type for test failover VM
instanceTypes string[]publicIP booleanIf true, public IP address are configured for destination VMs
isoInfo object[]
Info for the Windows/Unix ISO files
isoPath stringPath for the Windows/Unix ISO files
osType stringPossible values: [
]OS Type name
zone object
primaryZoneName stringName of Primary Zone for the VM to deploy
secondaryZoneName stringName of Secondary Zone for the VM to deploy
associatedClientGroup object
id int32name stringliveMountOptions object
mediaAgent object
id int32name stringisLiveMountEnabled booleanIndiciates whether the Live mount is allowed from this recovery target
migrateVMs booleanWhether migrate VMs options is turned on for test failover
expirationTime object
minutesRetainUntil stringExpiration Time if in minutes
daysRetainUntil stringExpiration Time if in days
publicIP booleanDefault value:
Indicates if public IP has to be created.
virtualLabOptions object
Virtual lab options configured in the recovery target
externalNetwork stringTo use virtual lab VM to connect to the existing network
gatewayTemplate stringGateway template provision VMs to communicate to VMs outside the virtual lab
gatewayNetwork stringPrimary network associated on the Provisioning Gateway VM that has production network access
configureIsolatedNetwork booleanTo use isolated network for the virtual lab VM
ipSettings object[]
networkName stringipAddressRange stringsubnetMask stringdefaultGatewayIP string
"entity": {
"id": 0,
"name": "string",
"policyType": "string",
"applicationType": "REPLICATION",
"destinationHypervisor": {
"id": 0,
"name": "string"
"accessNode": {
"id": 0,
"name": "string",
"type": "string"
"vmDisplayName": {
"prefix": "string",
"suffix": "string"
"vmStoragePolicyName": "string",
"securityOptions": {
"users": [
"id": 0,
"name": "string",
"fullName": "string"
"userGroups": [
"id": 0,
"name": "string"
"securityGroups": [
"id": "string",
"name": "string"
"testSecurityGroups": [
"id": "string",
"name": "string"
"destinationOptions": {
"destinationHost": "string",
"dataStore": "string",
"dataStoreClusterName": "string",
"resourcePoolPath": "string",
"vmFolder": "string",
"iamRole": {
"id": 0,
"name": "string"
"networkOptions": {
"networkCard": {
"networkDisplayName": "string",
"network": "string",
"subnetId": "string",
"networkId": "string",
"destinationNetworks": [
"networkNames": [
"cloudNetwork": {
"label": "string",
"networkName": "string",
"subnetNames": {
"name": "string",
"value": "string"
"provisioningOptions": {
"maximumCPUCores": 0,
"numberOfVMs": 0,
"minimumMemory": "string",
"maximumMemory": "string",
"minDiskSpace": 0,
"maxDiskSpace": 0,
"maxDisks": 0,
"namingPattern": "string",
"maxVMQuota": 0,
"createdVMCount": 0,
"maxMemoryQuotaGB": 0,
"usedMemoryInGB": 0,
"maxCPUQuota": 0,
"usedCPUCores": 0,
"daysRetainUntil": 0,
"minNICs": 0,
"isoPaths": [
"maxNICs": 0,
"enableBackup": true,
"allowPublicIP": true,
"instanceDetails": {
"iopsLimit": 0,
"vmSize": [
"id": 0,
"name": "string"
"templates": [
"vmName": "string",
"vmGUID": "string",
"operatingSystem": "WINDOWS",
"operatingSystemDisplayName": "string",
"hardDisks": {
"name": "string",
"snapshotId": "string",
"provisioningType": "THIN",
"diskSize": 0,
"diskType": "ISCSI",
"diskId": "string"
"networkInfo": [
"name": "string",
"subnet": [
"cloudDestinationOptions": {
"region": {
"id": "string",
"name": "string"
"keyPair": "string",
"restoreAsManagedVM": true,
"machineType": {
"id": 0,
"name": "string"
"soleTenancyNodes": [
"name": "string",
"value": "string"
"tags": [
"name": "string",
"value": "string"
"availabilityZone": "string",
"vmInstanceType": "string",
"encryptionKey": {
"id": 0,
"name": "string"
"volumeType": "string",
"testDiskType": "string",
"instanceTypes": [
"publicIP": true
"isoInfo": [
"isoPath": "string",
"osType": "UNIX"
"zone": {
"primaryZoneName": "string",
"secondaryZoneName": "string"
"associatedClientGroup": {
"id": 0,
"name": "string"
"liveMountOptions": {
"mediaAgent": {
"id": 0,
"name": "string"
"isLiveMountEnabled": true,
"migrateVMs": true,
"expirationTime": {
"minutesRetainUntil": "string",
"daysRetainUntil": "string"
"publicIP": false
"virtualLabOptions": {
"externalNetwork": "string",
"gatewayTemplate": "string",
"gatewayNetwork": "string",
"configureIsolatedNetwork": true,
"ipSettings": [
"networkName": "string",
"ipAddressRange": "string",
"subnetMask": "string",
"defaultGatewayIP": "string"
Not Found
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- errorMessage string
Tells about the error occured
- errorCode ErrorCode
Possible values: [
]Error code value
"errorMessage": "string",
"errorCode": "NO_ERROR"
Internal Server Error
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- errorMessage string
Tells about the error occured
- errorCode ErrorCode
Possible values: [
]Error code value
"errorMessage": "string",
"errorCode": "NO_ERROR"