Update the object store plan
Used to modify an exsiting ObjectStore plan
Path Parameters
- planId int32 required
Id of the Plan to update
- application/json
Request Body
- name string
New plan name to update
backupDestinations object[]
Copy destinations for the plan. Specify where you want to store your data.
planBackupDestinationId int32Id of the backup destination to modify/delete
planBackupDestinationName stringBackup Destination Name for add/modify operation
storagePool object
id int32name stringstorageType StorageTypePossible values: [
]retentionPeriodDays int32Possible values:
>= 1
and<= 9999
Retention period in days. -1 can be specified for infinite retention.
useExtendedRetentionRules booleanUse extended retention rules(not applicable to the Primary(Snap) copy)
extendedRetentionRules object
If you want to update, specify the whole object. Extended retention rules should be bigger than retention period.
firstExtendedRetentionRule object
isInfiniteRetention booleanIf this is set as true, no need to specify retentionPeriodDays.
retentionPeriodDays int32If this is set, no need to specify isInfiniteRetention as false.
type stringPossible values: [
]All_JOBS means SYNCHRONOUS copy type, others are applicable for SELECTIVE copy Type only.
secondExtendedRetentionRule object
isInfiniteRetention booleanIf this is set as true, no need to specify retentionPeriodDays.
retentionPeriodDays int32If this is set, no need to specify isInfiniteRetention as false.
type stringPossible values: [
]All_JOBS means SYNCHRONOUS copy type, others are applicable for SELECTIVE copy Type only.
thirdExtendedRetentionRule object
isInfiniteRetention booleanIf this is set as true, no need to specify retentionPeriodDays.
retentionPeriodDays int32If this is set, no need to specify isInfiniteRetention as false.
type stringPossible values: [
]All_JOBS means SYNCHRONOUS copy type, others are applicable for SELECTIVE copy Type only.
enableDataAging booleanenable or disable Datat aging on the backup destiantion
sourceCopy object
id int32name string- backupDestinationOperationType string
Possible values: [
]Operation type for backup destination
rpo object
Recovery Point Objective (RPO) is the maximum amount of time that data can be lost during a service disruption. Your RPO determines the frequency of your backup jobs.
backupFrequency object
schedules object[]
scheduleId int32Id of the schedule if available, required for modifying, deleting schedule
scheduleName stringName of the schedule, for modify
policyId int32Schedule policy Id to which the schedule belongs
scheduleOperation stringPossible values: [
]Default value:
Operation being performed on schedule
schedulePattern object required
Used to describe when the schedule runs
scheduleFrequencyType string requiredPossible values: [
]schedule frequency type
frequency int32Possible values:
>= 1
Frequency of the schedule based on schedule frequency type eg. for Hours, value 2 is 2 hours, for Minutes, 30 is 30 minutes, for Daily, 2 is 2 days. for Monthly 2 is it repeats every 2 months
weeklyDays string[]Possible values: [
]Days of the week for weekly frequency
dayOfMonth int32Possible values:
>= 1
and<= 31
Day on which to run the schedule, applicable for monthly, yearly
weekOfMonth stringPossible values: [
]Specific week of a month
dayOfWeek stringPossible values: [
]monthOfYear stringPossible values: [
]repeatIntervalInMinutes int32Possible values:
>= 1
How often in minutes in a day the schedule runs, applicable for daily, weekly, monthly and yearly frequency types.
repeatUntilTime int32Until what time to repeat the schedule in a day, requires repeatIntervalInMinutes
timezone object
id int32name stringstartTime int32Default value:
start time of schedule in seconds
startDate int32start date of schedule in epoch format
endDate int32Schedule end date in epoch format
noOfTimes int32The number of times you want the schedule to run.
exceptions object[]
Exceptions to when a schedule should not run, either in dates or week of month and days
onDates int32[]Possible values:
>= 1
and<= 31
list of dates in a month. For ex: 1, 20
onWeekOfTheMonth string[]Possible values: [
]On which week of month, for ex: FIRST, LAST
onDayOfTheWeek string[]Possible values: [
]On which days, for ex: MONDAY, FRIDAY
daysBetweenSyntheticFulls int32Possible values:
>= 6
No of days between two synthetic full jobs
maxBackupIntervalInMins int32Default value:
The number of mins to force a backup on automatic schedule.
calendarId int32Default value:
Custom Calendar Id for the schedule
calendarName stringCustom Calendar name for the schedule
jobStaggerDurationInMins int32Specifies the duration in minutes of how long scheduled jobs can be spread. Applicable for daily, weekly, monthly and yearly frequency types. Value of 0 means job staggering is disabled.
operationType stringPossible values: [
]Operation type for the list
fullBackupWindow object[]
Backup window for full backup
dayOfWeek string[]Possible values: [
]startTime int64Time in seconds since the beginning of the day
endTime int64Time in seconds since the beginning of the day
SLA object
A server meets SLA (Service Level Agreement) when all of its subclients have at least one successful backup during the number of days specified at the CommCell, Server Group or plan level.
useSystemDefaultSLA booleanFlag to set to use System Default Service Level Agreement
SLAPeriod int32SLA Period in Days
excludeFromSLA booleanFlag to set to exclude plan from SLA
enableAfterDelay int32Time provided in Unix format. Give 0 to reset any existing delay.
exclusionReason stringReason for exclusion from SLA
logSLAMinutes int32Database log SLA period in Minutes
- 200
- 404
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- errorMessage string
- errorCode int32
"errorMessage": "string",
"errorCode": 0
Requested Details not found