Modify VM Group Details
Updates the VM Group
Path Parameters
- VmGroupId int32 required
Id of the VMgroup to update
- application/json
Request Body
- name string
VMgroup name passed during creation of VMgroup
- newName string
VMgroup name
content object
overwrite booleanDefault value:
False if content in vmgroup has to be appended, by default it will overwrite the content
virtualMachines object[]
name stringname of the VM to be added as content
GUID stringGUID of the VM to be added as content
type stringPossible values: [
]guestCredentialAssocId int32Credential association ID given to link entity with credential id.
guestCredentials object
userName stringpassword stringexistingCredential object
credentialId int32credentialName stringruleGroups object[]
matchRule MatchRulePossible values: [
]Enum which specifies the whether to match all rules or any of the rules
rules object[]
name stringname of the VM to be added as content
type stringPossible values: [
]value stringvalue for the few type of VM Content like powerstate
condition RuleOperationTypePossible values: [
]Operation type for VM rules/filters
GUID stringGUID of the entity to be added as content
displayName stringThe display name of the entity to be added
- removePlanAssociation boolean
Default value:
True if the associated plan is to be removed.
plan object
id int32name stringstorage object
id int32name stringfilters object
overwrite booleanDefault value:
False if content in vmgroup has to be appended, by default it will overwrite the content
virtualMachines object[]
name stringname of the VM to be added as content
GUID stringGUID of the VM to be added as content
type stringPossible values: [
]guestCredentialAssocId int32Credential association ID given to link entity with credential id.
guestCredentials object
userName stringpassword stringexistingCredential object
credentialId int32credentialName stringruleGroups object[]
matchRule MatchRulePossible values: [
]Enum which specifies the whether to match all rules or any of the rules
rules object[]
name stringname of the VM to be added as content
type stringPossible values: [
]value stringvalue for the few type of VM Content like powerstate
condition RuleOperationTypePossible values: [
]Operation type for VM rules/filters
GUID stringGUID of the entity to be added as content
displayName stringThe display name of the entity to be added
diskFilters object
overwrite booleanDefault value:
True if content in vmgroup has to be overwritten, by default it will append the content
rules object[]
overwrite booleanDefault value:
True if disk filter in vmgroup has to be overwritten, by default it will append the content
filterType stringPossible values: [
]name stringThe string to be filtered
value stringThe value string to be filtered, in case of disk tag , value of tag to be filtered
condition RuleOperationTypePossible values: [
]Operation type for VM rules/filters
vmName stringVM Name of the Virtual Machine whose disk has to be filtered . This is optional. if not given, all disks of name and type from all Vms added in content will be filtered
vmGuid stringVM Guid of the Virtual Machine whose disk has to be filtered . This is optional. if not given, all disks of name and type from all Vms added in content will be filtered
filterSubResource booleanDefault value:
True if filter is to be applied on sub resource of the resource being filtered.
children object[]
Nested disk filters
overwrite booleanDefault value:
True if disk filter in vmgroup has to be overwritten, by default it will append the content
filterType stringPossible values: [
]name stringThe string to be filtered
value stringThe value string to be filtered, in case of disk tag , value of tag to be filtered
condition RuleOperationTypePossible values: [
]Operation type for VM rules/filters
vmName stringVM Name of the Virtual Machine whose disk has to be filtered . This is optional. if not given, all disks of name and type from all Vms added in content will be filtered
vmGuid stringVM Guid of the Virtual Machine whose disk has to be filtered . This is optional. if not given, all disks of name and type from all Vms added in content will be filtered
filterSubResource booleanDefault value:
True if filter is to be applied on sub resource of the resource being filtered.
securityAssociations object[]
user object
id int32name stringuserGroup object
id int32name stringexternalUserGroup object
External User Group Entity
id int32User Group Id
name stringExternal Group Name
providerId int32Provider id
providerName stringProvider Name
isCreatorAssociation booleanrole object
id int32name stringpermissionList object[]
permissionId int32permissionName stringcategoryId int32categoryName stringtype stringPossible values: [
]Returns the type of association.
exclude booleanFlag to specify if this is included permission or excluded permission.
settings object
useChangedBlockTrackingOnVM booleanDefault value:
True if Changed Block Tracking is enabled
customSnapshotResourceGroup stringCustom snapshot resource group name for Azure
customSnapshotTags object[]
represents custom tags to be set on snapshots in Azure
name stringrepresents name of the tag
value stringrepresents value of the tag
snapshotStorageType stringPossible values: [
]Default SKU for all VM snapshots created for that VM Group
softwareCompression stringThe software compression value in the VM Group.
encryptionFlag stringThe encryption value in the VM Group.
canChangeEncryptionSetting booleanTrue if encryption setting can be modified.
isSnapshotV2 booleanTrue if snapshotv2 prop set on VM group.
regionalSnapshot booleanDefault value:
True when snapshot storage location is regional
autoDetectVMOwner booleanDefault value:
True if auto detect VM Owner enabled
allowEmptySubclient booleanTrue if empty subclient is allowed
noOfReaders int32Default value:
Number of readers for backup
isVMGroupDiskFiltersIncluded booleanIs VM group disk filters included in VM instance disk filters
vmBackupType stringPossible values: [
]isApplicationAware booleanIs the VM App Aware
guestCredentials object
Guest credential for contennt VMs of VM Group
savedCredentials object
id int32name stringcredentials object
name stringusername to access the network path
password stringpassword to access the network path
useVMCheckpointSetting booleanDefault value:
True if use VM CheckPoint setting is enabled
transportMode stringPossible values: [
]Default value:
transport mode based on environment. Values are case sensitive
datastoreFreespaceCheck booleanDefault value:
True if Datastore Free space check is enabled
datastoreFreespaceRequired int32Default value:
precentage of datastore free space check value
collectFileDetailsforGranularRecovery booleanDefault value:
True if metadata collection is enabled. Only applicable for Indexing v1
collectFileDetailsFromSnapshotCopy booleanDefault value:
True if metadata collection is enabled for intellisnap jobs. Only applicable for Indexing v1
jobStartTime int32Start Time for the VM Group Job
crossAccount object
shareOnly booleanTrue if replicate and copy or sharing of amazon snapshot to different amazon account in same or different geographic location is enabled
fullCopy booleanTrue if full copy of amazon snapshot to different amazon account is enabled
destinationAccount object
id int32name stringquiesceGuestFileSystemAndApplications booleanTrue if VM backup type is File system and application consistent
useBackupsetDiskFilters booleanTrue if use of backupset disk filters is allowed
snapshotManagement object
enableHardwareSnapshot booleanDefault value:
True if hardware snapshot is enabled
snapEngine object
id int32name stringsnapMountESXHost stringName of ESX Host
isIndependentDisksEnabled booleanTrue if independent disk option is enabled
isRawDeviceMapsEnabled booleanTrue if raw device maps option is enabled
useSeparateProxyForSnapToTape booleanTrue if separate proxy client is used for snap to tape
snapMountProxy object
id int32name stringvmApplicationUserName stringVirtual machine application user name
backupCopyInterface stringPossible values: [
]activityControl object
enableBackup booleantrue if Backup is enabled
enableRestore booleantrue if Restore is enabled
backupActivityControlOptions object
activityType stringPossible values: [
]denotes the activity type being considered
enableAfterADelay booleanTrue if the activity will be enabled after a delay time interval
enableActivityType booleanTrue if the activity type is enabled
delayTime object
timeZone object
id int32name stringtime int32delay time in unix timestamp
value stringactual delay time value in string format according to the timezone
restoreActivityControlOptions object
activityType stringPossible values: [
]denotes the activity type being considered
enableAfterADelay booleanTrue if the activity will be enabled after a delay time interval
enableActivityType booleanTrue if the activity type is enabled
delayTime object
timeZone object
id int32name stringtime int32delay time in unix timestamp
value stringactual delay time value in string format according to the timezone
applicationValidation object
validateVMBackups booleanTrue if VM Backup validation is enabled
recoveryTarget object
id int32name stringschedule object
Schedule for application validation for VM Group
id int32taskId int32Job Id for the application validation task. 0 if schedule is disabled
description stringDescription for validation schedule
isScheduleEnabled booleanTrue if application validation schedule is enabled
useSourceVmESXToMount booleanUse Source VM ESX To Mount
keepValidatedVMsRunning booleanIf true then validated VMs will be available until expiration time set on the recovery target
maximumNoOfThreads int32Number of backup Validation Threads
customValidationScript object
Custom validation script to be used during VM backup validation
windows object
path stringPath for the validation script
arguments stringArguments for the script
isDisabled booleanDefault value:
Is the script disabled
isLocal booleanTrue if the script is local
UNCCredentials object
name stringusername to access the network path
password stringpassword to access the network path
UNCSavedCredentials object
id int32name stringunix object
path stringPath for the validation script
arguments stringArguments for the script
isDisabled booleanDefault value:
Is the script disabled
isLocal booleanTrue if the script is local
UNCCredentials object
name stringusername to access the network path
password stringpassword to access the network path
UNCSavedCredentials object
id int32name stringguestCredentials object
savedCredentials object
id int32name stringcredentials object
name stringusername to access the network path
password stringpassword to access the network path
copy object
Application validation source copy details
id int32Id of the source copy
name stringName of the source copy
isActive booleanIs this an active backup destination?
isSnapCopy booleanIs this a snap copy?
copyPrecedence int32Order of backup destinaion copy created in storage policy
backupDestination object
id int32name string- enableFileIndexing boolean
Default value:
True if file indexing needs to be enabled
timeZone object
id int32name stringaccessNode object[]
id int32name stringdisplayName stringDisplay name of the access node
type int32Type of access node , Ex: 3 - access Node , 28 - Access Node Groups
meditechSystems object
systemName stringMeditech system name
listenerIP stringMeditech Listener IP of FQDN name
listenerPort int32Meditech Listener Port
MBFtimeout int32Default value:
MBF timeout (in seconds)
userAccount object
name stringusername to access the network path
password stringpassword to access the network path
- 200
- 400
- 500
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- errorCode int32
- errorMessage string
Tells about the error occured
- warningCode int32
- warningMessage string
Tells about the warning occured
"errorCode": 0,
"errorMessage": "string",
"warningCode": 0,
"warningMessage": "string"
Internal Server Error
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- errorMessage string
- errorCode int32
"errorMessage": "string",
"errorCode": 0
Internal Server Error
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- errorMessage string
- errorCode int32
"errorMessage": "string",
"errorCode": 0