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Validate Organization Credential


Customer Managed

Checks if the provided credential is valid and has basic organization permissions.
If the validation succeeds, details of the AWS organization corresponding to the credentials is returned.
Credential can be specified directly in the request or it can be saved as a credential manager entity and its id can be specified in the request

Request Body
  • credential object required

    Credential to be used to be access AWS Organization

  • credentialType AWSOrganizationCredentialType required


    Type of credential to be used to access AWS Organization

  • credentialId int32

    ID of the saved credential. Applicable only if credentialType is CREDENTIALS_MANAGER_CREDENTIAL.

  • awsIamRoleArn string

    ARN of the IAM Role to assume. Applicable only if credentialType is AWS_ASSUME_ROLE.

  • awsExternalId string

    External ID to use when assuming IAM Role. Applicable only if credentialType is AWS_ASSUME_ROLE.

  • accessNodes object[] required

    List of servers and server groups to use to access the organization.



  • organization object

    Details of an AWS organization

  • organizationId string

    Id of the AWS organization

  • organizationArn string

    ARN of the AWS organization

  • masterAccountId string

    Id of the AWS organization's management account

  • masterAccountArn string

    ARN of the AWS organization's management account

  • masterAccountEmail string

    E-mail of the AWS organization's management account
