VMGroup Restore Operation
To restore the virtual machines in vmgroup
Path Parameters
- VmGroupId int32 required
Id of the VMgroup to backup
Query Parameters
- mediaAgentName string
Media agent name
- mediaAgentId string
Media agent id
- fromTime string
Restore window UTC from time. Valid Formats: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss or yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:sszzz or yyyy-MM-dd
- toTime date-time
Restore window UTC to time. Valid Formats: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss or yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:sszzz or yyyy-MM-dd
- application/json
Request Body
- powerOnVmAfterRestore boolean
Default value:
Turn ON virtual machine after restore. Defaults to false.
- overwriteVM boolean
Default value:
Unconditionally overwrite VM during restore. Defaults to false.
- inPlaceRestore boolean required
Default value:
Flag to set if restore is in-place or out-of-place. Defaults to false.
- backupSource int32
Backup source information from where you want to restore. 0 (Automatic), 1 (Snap Copy), 2 (Primary), 3 to N (Aux Copy)
destination object
id int32name stringaccessNode object
id int32name stringaccessNodeGroup object
id int32name stringvmDestinationInfo object required
Destination informantion for the VM to restore
googleCloud object
Destination information for the GCP VMs to restore
googleCloudVMInfoList object[]
List of Google Cloud VMs that are to be restored
instanceId stringInstance ID of the google cloud virtual machine to be restored. Ex: 123456789123456789.
name stringDefault value:
Defaults to source VM name
The new name of the instance after restore. Defaults to source name after restore.
projectId stringGCP Project ID
zone stringDefault value:
Defaults to source instance zone after restore. For reference: cloud.google.com/compute/docs/regions-zones#available'
GCP zones. Ex: asia-east1-a. Defaults to source instance zone after restore. For reference: cloud.google.com/compute/docs/regions-zones#available
region stringDefault value:
Defaults to source instance region after restore. For reference: cloud.google.com/compute/docs/regions-zones#available
GCP Region. Ex: asia-east1. Defaults to source instance region after restore. For reference: cloud.google.com/compute/docs/regions-zones#available
machineType stringDefault value:
--Auto Select--
GCP Machine Family. Ex: c2d-highmem-8. Defaults to --Auto Select--. For Reference: cloud.google.com/compute/docs/machine-resource
createPublicIP booleanDefault value:
Flag to create external IP after restore. Defaults to false.
disks object[]
Google Cloud instance disks list
name stringGoogle Cloud instance disk name to update.
newName stringGoogle Cloud instance disks new name. Defaults to source disk name
type stringGoogle Cloud instance disks type. Defaults to source disk type
IOPS int32Input Output Operations per second
throughput int32Throughput in MBPS
networkInterfaces object[]
Google Cloud VM network interfaces list
name stringName of the network interface card. Ex: nic0.
networkName stringDefault value:
Defaults to source network name.
Network Name. Ex: default. Defaults to source network name.
subnetId stringDefault value:
Defaults to source subnet
Subnet self-link. Format: googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/
/regions/ /subnetworks/{Subnet Name}. Defaults to source subnet self-link. networkId stringDefault value:
Defaults to source network self-link.
Network self-link. Format: googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/
/global/networks/{Network Name}. Defaults to source network self-link. internalIP ipv4Default value:
Defaults to the source internal IP after restore.
Internal IP address. Defaults to the source internal IP after restore.
externalIP ipv4Default value:
Defaults to null and is not set after restore.
External IP Address. Defaults to null and is not set after restore.
customMetadata object[]
GCP custom metadata key-value pairs
name stringvalue stringnodeAffinities object[]
Node affinity for the virtual machine to provision virtual machine as sole tenanat VM. Defaults to no node affinity. Format: '[{name: compute.googleapis.com/node-group-name, value: {Node Group Name} }, {name: compute.googleapis.com/node-name, value: {Node Name} }]'
name stringvalue stringserviceAccount object
Google cloud service account details
id stringname stringemail stringencryptionKey stringCustomer Managed Encryption Key
keyProtectionLevel stringProtection level of encryption key
namePrefix stringAdds prefix for VM display name
nameSuffix stringAdds suffix for VM display name
azure object
Destination information for the Azure VMs to restore
azureVMInfoList object[]
List of Azure VMs that are to be restored
sourceVMGuid stringAzure VM ID
name stringDefault value:
Defaults to source VM name
Azure VM name to be set after restore. Pass the target VM name in case of attach disk restore. Defaults to source VM name.
targetVMGuid stringVM GUID to which the disks are to be attached. Only used during attach disk restore
resourceGroup stringDefault value:
Defaults to source VM resource group name
Azure Resource Group Name. Defaults to source VM resource group name.
region stringDefault value:
Defaults to source VM region
Azure region name. Ex: For azure region (West US 3) the region value will be westus3. For reference: learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/resources/subscriptions/list-locations
availabilityZone stringDefault value:
Defaults to Auto
Azure availablity zones. Defaults to Auto. Values can be as follows: 'Auto' (Select from the source VM config), 'None' (Will not restore to any zone), '{Zone Number}' (Availablity zone number the restored VM should be in. Ex: 2).
storageAccount string requiredDefault value:
Defaults to source storage account
Azure staging storage account. Defaults to source storage account.
vmSize stringDefault value:
--Auto Select--
VM size to be after restore. Defaults to --Auto Select--. Ex: Standard_A1.
templateId stringThis is the Azure resource ID of the template image that is to be used for creating the new VM. This can take values of 3 different images: Market place image, Custom image, Azure compute gallery image.
diskType stringDisk type to set after restore. Ex: Standard_LRS.
createPublicIP booleanDefault value:
Boolean to specify if VM should have publice IP. Defaults to false.
restoreAsManagedVM booleanDefault value:
Boolean to specify if VM need to be restored as managed VM. Defaults to true.
securityGroupId stringDefault value:
Defaults to source configuration
Azure security group to be set for the VM. Defaults to source configuration.
diskEncryptionSetTypeId stringAzure Disk Encryption Type. Values can be: 'EncryptionAtRestWithCustomerKey' or 'EncryptionAtRestWithPlatformAndCustomerKeys' or 'EncryptionAtRestWithPlatformAndCustomerKeys'. For reference: learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/microsoft.azure.management.compute.models.encryptiontype?view=azure-dotnet&viewFallbackFrom=azure-dotnet
diskEncryptionSetId stringAzure Disk Encryption Set ID. Format: /subscriptions/{Subscription ID}/resourceGroups/{Resource Group Name}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/diskEncryptionSets/{Disk Encryption Set}.
disks object[]
Azure VM disks list
storageAccount stringAzure storage account name. Defaults to source storage account
type stringAzure disk type. Defaults to source disk type
name stringName of the azure disk to update
newName stringName of the new disk. Used only during attach disk restore
attachAndSwapOSDisk booleanDefault value:
Used only in case of attach disk restore. If selected, the OS disk of the target VM will be swapped with the restored OS disk.
skipOSDisk booleanDefault value:
When attaching disks to the new VM, when this is selected, the OS disk of the source VM is NOT attached to the target VM. Only the data disks of the source VM are attached to the target VM
guestCredentialID object
To be set in order to use the saved credentials for the new VM during attach disk restore
id int32name stringguestUsername stringUsername for the target VM during the attach disk restore to a new VM
guestPassword stringBase64 encoded password for the target VM during the attach disk restore to a new VM
nics object[]
Azure VM network interface list
networkId stringAzure network ID. Format: /subscriptions/{Subscription ID}/resourceGroups/{Resource Group Name}/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/{Network Name}.
subnetId stringAzure subnet ID. Format: /subscriptions/{Subscription ID}/resourceGroups/{Resource Group Name}/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/{Network Name}/subnets/{Subnet Name}.
privateIpAddress ipv4Azure private IP address.
publicIpAddress ipv4Azure publice IP address.
publicIpAddressId stringAzure public IP address ID. Format: /subscriptions/{Subscription ID}/resourceGroups/{Resource Group Name}/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/{Public IP Address Name}.
vmTags object[]
Azure VM tag list
name stringvalue stringrestoreSourceVMTags booleanDefault value:
Restore source VM tags.
namePrefix stringAdds prefix for VM display name
nameSuffix stringAdds suffix for VM display name
aws object
Destination information for the AWS instances to restore
awsInstanceInfoList object[]
List of AWS instances that are to be restored
instanceId stringAWS instance ID
instanceName stringDefault value:
Defaults to source instance name
AWS instance name to be set after restore. Pass the target Instance name in case of attach disk restore. Defaults to source instance name.
targetInstanceId stringInstance ID to which the disks are to be attached. Only used during attach disk restore.
zone stringDefault value:
Defaults to source instance availability zone.
AWS Availability zone. Defaults to source instance availability zone.
region stringtenancy stringPossible values: [
]Tenancy of the instance.
hostId stringThe ID of the dedicated host on which the instance should reside. Should be specified if the teanancy is specified as 'host'.
affinity stringPossible values: [
]Affinity setting for the instance on the dedicated host.
instanceSize stringDefault value:
Defaults to source instance size
Instance size to be after restore. Defaults to source instance size
amiId stringAMI to be used for creating the restored instance. By default, AMI will be picked based on the properties of source VM.
volumeType stringencryptionKey object
isEncrypted booleanencryptionKey stringdiskEncryptionSetId stringdiskEncryptionSetTypeId stringvolumes object[]
AWS instance volumes list
id stringAWS source volume ID for the volume that needs to be updated
name stringAWS volume name. Defaults to source volume name
type stringAWS volume type. Defaults to source volume type
IOPS int32Input Output Operations per second
Throughput int32Throughput in MBPS
encryptionKey object
isEncrypted booleanencryptionKey stringdiskEncryptionSetId stringdiskEncryptionSetTypeId stringdiskTags object[]
AWS disk tag list
name stringvalue stringnics object[]
AWS instance network interface list
vpcId stringnetworkName stringsubnetId stringeniId stringsecurityGroups object[]
List of AWS security groups to be set for the instance.
groupId stringgroupName stringvmTags object[]
AWS VM tag list
name stringvalue stringrestoreSourceVMTags booleanDefault value:
Restore source VM tags.
restoreSourceVolumeTags booleanDefault value:
Restore source volume tags.
keyPairs object[]
List of key pairs
keyId stringkeyName stringrestoreSourceNetworkConfig booleanDefault value:
If set to true, we will use the source network configuration during restore
namePrefix stringAdds prefix for instance display name
nameSuffix stringAdds suffix for instance display name
nutanix object
Destination information for the Nutanix VMs to restore
nutanixVMInfoList object[]
List of Nutanix VMs that are to be restored
sourceVMGuid stringNutanix VM ID
name stringNutanix VM name to be set after restore. Defaults to source VM name.
storageContainer stringNutanix storage container. Defaults to source storage container.
nics object[]
Nutanix VM network interface list
name stringName of the Nutanix network
networkName stringUUID of the Nutanix subnet
destinationNetwork stringName of the destination network
networkDisplayName stringUsed in GUI. Display name of the network
namePrefix stringAdds prefix for VM display name
nameSuffix stringAdds suffix for VM display name
openstack object
Destination information for the Openstack instances to restore
openstackInstanceInfoList object[]
List of Openstack instances that are to be restored
sourceInstanceGuid stringOpenstack instance ID
instanceName stringOpenstack instance name to be set after restore. Defaults to source instance name.
availabilityZone stringOpenstack Availability zone. Defaults to source instance availability zone.
volumeType stringOpenstack Volume type to be after restore. Defaults to source volume type
flavor stringOpenstack flavor to be after restore. Defaults to source flavor. Pass the flavor ID
securityGroups object[]
List of Openstack security groups to be set for the instance.
groupId stringgroupName stringkeyPairs object[]
List of key pairs
keyId stringkeyName stringnics object[]
Openstack instance network interface list
networkName stringOpenstack network name. Ex: external_network
networkId stringOpenstack network Id. Ex: 77948eb8-9a47-49cd-bd94-e999540f7da7
subnetId stringOpenstack subnetId. Ex: eba7e847-d438-4337-81b6-a3b73e218990
image stringSelected image will be used as the base image for the restored instance. Pass the imageId
namePrefix stringAdds prefix for instance display name
nameSuffix stringAdds suffix for instance display name
oci object
Destination information for the OCI instances to restore
ociInstanceInfoList object[]
List of OCI instances that are to be restored
instanceOcid stringocid of the source OCI instance
instanceName stringDefault value:
Defaults to source instance name
OCI instance name to be set after restore. Required if prefix or suffix is passed otherwise defaults to source instance name.
compartmentId stringDefault value:
Defaults to source instance compartment
OCI instance will be restored to the specified OCI compartment.
availabilityDomain stringDefault value:
Defaults to source instance availability domain.
OCI availability domain.
region stringDefault value:
Defaults to source instance region.
OCI region.
instanceShape stringDefault value:
Defaults to source instance size
Instance size to be after restore.
createPublicIP booleanDefault value:
Assign a public IP to the restored instance.
stagingBucket string(Optional parameter). To be set only in case, if the source instance image is either deleted or not exists in the selected region.
disks object[]
OCI instance volumes list
volumeName stringName of the OCI volume
nics object[]
OCI instance NIC's list
networkName stringnetwork name for the OCI instance
vcnId stringvcn name for the OCI instance
subnetId stringsubnet id of the OCI instance
privateIpAddress stringprivate Ip address of the OCI instance
instanceTags object[]
OCI instance tag list
name stringvalue stringrestoreSourceVMTags booleanDefault value:
Restore source instance tags.
namePrefix stringAdds prefix for instance display name
nameSuffix stringAdds suffix for instance display name
hyperv object
Destination information for the HyperV VM to restore
hyperVVmInfoList object[]
List of HyperV VMs that are to be restored
vmGuid stringvmGuid of the HyperV VM
vmName stringDefault value:
Defaults to source VM name
HyperV VM name to be set after restore. Required if prefix or suffix is passed otherwise defaults to source VM name.
datastore string(optional)HyperV source VM datastore.
destinationHyperVHost stringDefault value:
Defaults to source VM host
The destination HyperV host on which the HyperV VM is to be restored.
destinationFolder stringDefault value:
Defaults to HyperV default folder for OOP restore and defaults to source VM folder for in-place restore
The destination folder on which the HyperV VM is to be restored.
networkAdapter stringDefault value:
Defaults to source VM network adapter if available else 'Not Connected'
The Network adapter to be used for the restored HyperV VM.
disks object[]
HyperV VM disks list
diskName stringName of the HyperV VM disk
diskDestinationPath stringDestination path for the HyperV VM disk
nics object[]
HyperV VM NIC's list
networkName stringnetwork name for the HyperV
namePrefix stringAdds prefix for VM display name
nameSuffix stringAdds suffix for VM display name
vcloud object
Destination information for the vCloud VMs to restore
vCloudVMInfoList object[]
List of vCloud VMs that are to be restored
sourceVMGuid stringSource VM GUID.
vCloudOrgName stringName of the destination vCloud Organisation. Defaults to source VM organistation.
orgVDCName stringName of the destination vCloud Org VDC. Defaults to source VM org VDC.
vAppName stringName of the destination vApp. Defaults to source VM vApp.
vCloudOwner stringName of the owner of the VM. Defaults to source VM owner.
esxHost stringDestination esx host of the VM. Defaults to source VM esx host.
storagePolicy stringDestination Storage Policy GUID of the VM. Defaults to source VM Storage Policy.
newName stringNew name of the VM. Defaults to source VM name. Required if namePrefix or nameSuffix is set.
isStandAloneRestore booleanDefault value:
If set to true a standalone restore will be performed
restoreVappConfig booleanDefault value:
If set to true and it is not a standalone restore, vapp configurations will also be restored
addToFailoverCluster booleanDefault value:
If set to true the VM is added to the failover cluster
vCloudCatalogName stringName of vCloud catalog
nics object[]
vCloud VM network interface list. Defaults to source VM networks.
destinationNetwork stringName of the destination network
sourceNetwork stringName of the source network
namePrefix stringAdds prefix for VM display name
nameSuffix stringAdds suffix for VM display name
vmware object
Destination information for the VMware VMs to restore. Not required for Full VM InPlace restore
vmwVMInfoList object[]
List of VMware VMs that are to be restored
vmGuid string requiredVMware source VM instance UUID
name stringVMware VM name to be set after restore. Required if prefix or suffix is passed otherwise defaults to source VM name.
hostname stringVMware VM hostname to be set after restore. Defaults to source VM hostname
esxHost stringVMware ESX host Name. Defaults to source VM ESX host name.
resourcePool stringVMware Resource Pool path. Defaults to source VM resource pool path.
folder stringVMware folder path. Defaults to source VM folder path.
vmStoragePolicy stringVMware VM storage policy Name. Defaults to source VM storage policy name.
datastore stringVMware Datastore Name. Defaults to source VM datastore name
disks object[]
VMware VM disks list. Defaults to source VM disks info.
name stringVMware VM disk name
datastore stringVMware Datastore name
ipAddressSettings object
A mapping of IP between the source and the destination VM with an option to configure either a dynamic or a static IP.
sourceIP stringThe full IP address or an IP address pattern of the source VM.
sourceSubnetMask stringThe subnet mask of the source VM.
sourceDefaultGateway stringThe default gateway of the source VM.
useDhcp booleanDefault value:
Automatically assigns available IP addresses to be used with the specified destination network.
destinationIP stringThe full IP address or an IP address pattern for the destination VM. Provide only if DHCP is not enabled.
destinationSubnetMask stringThe subnet mask for the destination VM. Provide only if DHCP is not enabled.
destinationDefaultGateway stringThe default gateway for the destination VM. Provide only if DHCP is not enabled.
destinationPreferredDNS stringThe preferred DNS server for the destination VM. Provide only if DHCP is not enabled
destinationAlternateDNS stringThe alternate DNS server for the destination VM. Provide only if DHCP is not enabled
networkSettings object
VMware VM network interface information
sourceNetworkId stringSource network ID
sourceNetworkName stringSource network name
destinationNetworkName stringDestination network name
destinationNetworkDisplayName stringName of network to which the restore nic is connected
restoreSourceVMTags booleanDefault value:
Restore source VM tags.
vmTags object[]
VMware VM tag list. By default restoreSourceVMTags is true
name stringvalue stringvmCustomAttributes object[]
VMware VM custom attribute list
name stringvalue stringnamePrefix stringAdds prefix for VM display name
nameSuffix stringAdds suffix for VM display name
alibaba object
Destination information for the Alibaba intances to restore
alibabaVMInfoList object[]
List of Alibaba instances that are to be restored
sourceVMGuid stringAlibaba instance ID
name stringAlibaba instance name to be set after restore. Defaults to source instance name.
availabilityZone stringAlibaba availability zones. Access node must be present in this region
instanceType stringType of the Alibaba instance
nics object[]
Alibaba instance network interface list
name stringName of the Alibaba network
subnetId stringSubnet ID of the destination network
namePrefix stringAdds prefix for instance display name
nameSuffix stringAdds suffix for instance display name
xen object
Destination information for the Xen VMs to restore
xenVMInfoList object[]
List of Xen VMs that are to be restored
sourceVMGuid stringXen VM ID
name stringXen VM name to be set after restore. Defaults to source VM name.
destinationHost stringXen destination host.
storageRepository stringStorage Repository of the Xen VM
nics object[]
Xen VM network interface list
sourceNetwork stringName of the source network
destinationNetwork stringName of the destination network
sourceNetworkId stringID of the source network
namePrefix stringAdds prefix for vm display name
nameSuffix stringAdds suffix for vm display name
fusionCompute object
Destination information for the FusionCompute VMs to restore
fusionComputeVMInfoList object[]
List of Fusion Compute VMs that are to be restored
sourceVMGuid stringFusionCompute VM ID
name stringFusionCompute VM name to be set after restore. Defaults to source VM name.
destinationHost stringFusion Compute destination hosts.
datastore stringFusion Compute VM datastore
namePrefix stringAdds prefix for VM display name
nameSuffix stringAdds suffix for VM display name
oraclevm object
Destination information for the Oracle VMs to restore
oraclevmInfoList object[]
List of Oracle VMs that are to be restored
sourceVMGuid stringOracle VM ID
name stringOracle VM name to be set after restore. Defaults to source VM name.
destinationHypervisor stringOracle VM destination hypervisor.
repository stringRepository for the Oracle VM
nics object[]
Oracle VM network interface list
sourceNetwork stringSource network of the Oracle VM. Use * for using any network.
destinationNetwork stringDestination network of the Oracle VM
sourceNetworkId stringID of the source network.
namePrefix stringAdds prefix for VM display name
nameSuffix stringAdds suffix for VM display name
azureStackHCI object
Destination information for the Azure Local VM to restore
azureStackHCIVmInfoList object[]
List of Azure Local VMs that are to be restored
vmGuid stringvmGuid of the Azure Local VM
vmName stringDefault value:
Defaults to source VM name
Azure Local VM name to be set after restore. Required if prefix or suffix is passed otherwise defaults to source VM name.
datastore string(optional)Azure Local source VM datastore.
destinationAzureStackHCIHost stringDefault value:
Defaults to source VM host
The destination Azure Local host on which the Azure Local VM is to be restored.
destinationFolder stringDefault value:
Defaults to Azure Local default folder for OOP restore and defaults to source VM folder for in-place restore
The destination folder on which the Azure Local VM is to be restored.
networkAdapter stringDefault value:
Defaults to source VM network adapter if available else 'Not Connected'
The Network adapter to be used for the restored Azure Local VM.
disks object[]
Azure Local VM disks list
diskName stringName of the Azure Local VM disk
diskDestinationPath stringDestination path for the Azure Local VM disk
nics object[]
Azure Local VM NIC's list
networkName stringnetwork name for the Azure Local VM
namePrefix stringAdds prefix for VM display name
nameSuffix stringAdds suffix for VM display name
proxmox object
Destination information for the Proxmox VMs to restore
proxmoxVMInfoList object[]
List of Proxmox VMs that are to be restored
sourceVMGuid stringProxmox VM ID
newName stringProxmox VM name to be set after restore. Defaults to source VM name.
node stringProxmox destination node.
storage stringstorage of Proxmox VM
disks object[]
Proxmox VM disks list
name stringName of the Proxmox VM disk
storage stringStorage for the Proxmox VM disk
nics object[]
Proxmox VM NIC's list
sourceNetwork stringSource network of the Proxmox VM.
destinationNetwork stringDestination network of the Proxmox VM.
namePrefix stringAdds prefix for VM display name
nameSuffix stringAdds suffix for VM display name
- transportMode string
Possible values: [
]Backup transport modes enum
- diskOption VMDiskOption
Possible values: [
]Default value:
- restoreFlavour
Possible values: [
]Type of restore for virtual machine
- isAttachToNewVM boolean
Default value:
Flag to set when performing attach disk restore to a new VM.
- notifyOnJobCompletion boolean
Default value:
Enable email notificaiton for job status. Defaults to false.
- reuseVMClient boolean
Reuse the existing VM client instance of creating new one after restore. Defaults to true for inplace restore and false for out of place restore.
- 200
- 404
- 500
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- taskId int32
- jobIds string[]
JobIds for the immediate run request
"taskId": 0,
"jobIds": [
Requested Details not found
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- errorMessage string
- errorCode int32
"errorMessage": "string",
"errorCode": 0
Server Error
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- errorMessage string
- errorCode int32
"errorMessage": "string",
"errorCode": 0