Get all Schedules
This operation returns a list of schedules.
Query Parameters
- clientId int32
The client ID for the client.
- storagepolicyId int32
The storage policy ID for the storage policy.
- admin int32
The option to return administrator schedules for a storage policy. This request parameter must be used with the storagepolicyId request parameter. Allowed value: 1
- apptypeId int32
The application type ID for the agent types associated with the schedule. Check more details to get valid values.
- instanceId int32
The instance ID for the instance.
- backupsetId int32
The backup set ID for the backup set
- subclientId int32
The subclient ID for the subclient.
- operationType string
Possible values: [
]The type of operation.
- isSystem boolean
The filter returns only the system created schedules when the value is true.
- workflowId int32
The workflow ID for the workflow
- 200
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- Schedules - This request returns all of the schedules for a client.
taskDetail object[]
taskOperation int32associations object[]
srmReportSet int32type int32srmTemplateId int32subclientId int32clientGroupId int32storagePolicyId int32copyId int32applicationId int32backupsetId int32instanceId int32srmReportType int32sidbStoreId int32clientSidePackage booleanclientId int32sidbStoreName stringcopyName stringagentlessPolicyId int32mediaAgentId int32_type_ int32appName stringconsumeLicense booleanflags object
exclude booleantask object
GUID stringThe globally unique identifier for the task.
description stringThe description of the schedule.
ownerId int32An internal reference number for the user who created the schedule.
runUserId int32taskType int32The type of task.
ownerName stringThe name of the user who created the schedule
policyType int32The type of schedule.
taskName stringThe name of the schedule.
alertId int32The system-generated ID assigned to the alert.
taskId int32The system-generated ID assigned to the schedule.
taskFlags object
isEZOperation booleanuninstalled booleanIndicates whether the client associated with the schedule is uninstalled.
disabled booleanoriginalCC object
commCellId int32The CommCell ID of the CommServe.
appGroup objectsubTasks object[]
relativeTime int32subTaskOperation int32subTask object
subTaskOrder int32subTaskType int32flags int32operationType int32subTaskId int32pattern object
active_end_occurence int32freq_subday_interval int32freq_type int32patternId int32flags int32description stringactive_end_time int32skipOccurence int32skipDayNumber int32active_start_time int32freq_restart_interval int32active_start_date int32freq_interval int32freq_relative_interval int32freq_recurrence_factor int32calendar object
calendarId int32timeZone object
TimeZoneID int32options object
backupOpts object
mediaOpt object
auxcopyJobOption object
maxNumberOfStreams int32useMaximumStreams booleanadminOpts object
archiveCheckOption object
ddbVerificationLevel int32jobsToVerify int32allCopies booleanbackupLevel int32
"taskDetail": [
"taskOperation": 0,
"associations": [
"srmReportSet": 0,
"type": 0,
"srmTemplateId": 0,
"subclientId": 0,
"clientGroupId": 0,
"storagePolicyId": 0,
"copyId": 0,
"applicationId": 0,
"backupsetId": 0,
"instanceId": 0,
"srmReportType": 0,
"sidbStoreId": 0,
"clientSidePackage": true,
"clientId": 0,
"sidbStoreName": "string",
"copyName": "string",
"agentlessPolicyId": 0,
"mediaAgentId": 0,
"_type_": 0,
"appName": "string",
"consumeLicense": true,
"flags": {
"exclude": true
"task": {
"GUID": "string",
"description": "string",
"ownerId": 0,
"runUserId": 0,
"taskType": 0,
"ownerName": "string",
"policyType": 0,
"taskName": "string",
"alertId": 0,
"taskId": 0,
"taskFlags": {
"isEZOperation": true,
"uninstalled": true,
"disabled": true
"originalCC": {
"commCellId": 0
"appGroup": {},
"subTasks": [
"relativeTime": 0,
"subTaskOperation": 0,
"subTask": {
"subTaskOrder": 0,
"subTaskType": 0,
"flags": 0,
"operationType": 0,
"subTaskId": 0
"pattern": {
"active_end_occurence": 0,
"freq_subday_interval": 0,
"freq_type": 0,
"patternId": 0,
"flags": 0,
"description": "string",
"active_end_time": 0,
"skipOccurence": 0,
"skipDayNumber": 0,
"active_start_time": 0,
"freq_restart_interval": 0,
"active_start_date": 0,
"freq_interval": 0,
"freq_relative_interval": 0,
"freq_recurrence_factor": 0,
"calendar": {
"calendarId": 0
"timeZone": {
"TimeZoneID": 0
"options": {
"backupOpts": {
"mediaOpt": {
"auxcopyJobOption": {
"maxNumberOfStreams": 0,
"useMaximumStreams": true
"adminOpts": {
"archiveCheckOption": {
"ddbVerificationLevel": 0,
"jobsToVerify": 0,
"allCopies": true,
"backupLevel": 0
"taskDetail": [
"taskOperation": 1,
"associations": [
"srmReportSet": 0,
"type": 0,
"srmTemplateId": 0,
"subclientId": 0,
"clientGroupId": 0,
"storagePolicyId": 0,
"copyId": 0,
"applicationId": 0,
"backupsetId": 0,
"instanceId": 0,
"srmReportType": 0,
"sidbStoreId": 0,
"clientSidePackage": true,
"clientId": 0,
"sidbStoreName": "N/A",
"copyName": "DUMMY",
"agentlessPolicyId": 0,
"mediaAgentId": 0,
"_type_": 155,
"appName": "Default Application Type Name",
"consumeLicense": true,
"flags": {
"exclude": false
"task": {
"GUID": "9BE7A700-FE5D-4392-B78B-481B4AFC4F89",
"description": "System created schedule policy for DDB Verification",
"ownerId": 1,
"runUserId": 1,
"taskType": 4,
"ownerName": "testadmin",
"policyType": 11,
"taskName": "System Created DDB Verification schedule policy",
"alertId": 0,
"taskId": 13,
"taskFlags": {
"isEZOperation": false,
"uninstalled": false,
"disabled": false
"originalCC": {
"commCellId": 2
"appGroup": {},
"subTasks": [
"relativeTime": 32787,
"subTaskOperation": 1,
"subTask": {
"subTaskOrder": 0,
"subTaskType": 1,
"flags": 4096,
"operationType": 4007,
"subTaskId": 14
"pattern": {
"active_end_occurence": 0,
"freq_subday_interval": 86400,
"freq_type": 4,
"patternId": 13,
"flags": 0,
"description": "Every day at 11:00 AM and repeats every 24 hr(s) 0 min(s) until 12:00 AM",
"active_end_time": 86340,
"skipOccurence": 0,
"skipDayNumber": 0,
"active_start_time": 39600,
"freq_restart_interval": 0,
"active_start_date": 1473897600,
"freq_interval": 1,
"freq_relative_interval": 0,
"freq_recurrence_factor": 1,
"calendar": {
"calendarId": 1
"timeZone": {
"TimeZoneID": 1000
"options": {
"backupOpts": {
"mediaOpt": {
"auxcopyJobOption": {
"maxNumberOfStreams": 0,
"useMaximumStreams": true
"adminOpts": {
"archiveCheckOption": {
"ddbVerificationLevel": 3,
"jobsToVerify": 0,
"allCopies": true,
"backupLevel": 2