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Create replication group


Customer Managed

Create a replication group

Request Body

Provide the options for one of the vendors to create a replication group


  • name string required

    The name of the replication group being created

  • sourceHypervisor object required
  • id int32
  • name string
  • vms object[] required

    A list of name and GUID of all the virtual machines that have to be replicated

  • GUID string
  • name string
  • frequencyInMinutes int32

    Default value: 240

    The field denotes the frequency of replication.

  • recoveryTarget object required
  • id int32
  • name string
  • storage object[] required

    The primary and an optional secondary storage that will be used for storing the source VM data for replication. The secondary storage if provided, will be the default source for replication.

  • storagePool object required
  • id int32
  • name string
  • isDedupe boolean required

    Denotes if this is a deduplication copy

  • destVendor string required

    Possible values: [Amazon]

  • advancedOptions object

    Advanced options for Amazon replication group

  • validateDestinationVM boolean

    Validates that the destination VM is bootable by powering it on and then powering off

  • unconditionalOverwrite boolean

    This will replace the instance at the destination if the instance with the same name already exists.

  • deployVmWhenFailover boolean

    If true, the destination VM will be created during failover operation

  • continueOnFailure boolean

    If true, the operation will continue for the remaining VMs even if the failover operation fails for the current VM

  • failoverDelay int32

    The delay (in minutes) between performing operations on entities of different priorities

  • transportMode string

    Possible values: [AUTO, SAN, HOT_ADD, NAS, NBD_SSL, NBD]

    Default value: AUTO

    transport mode based on environment. Values are case sensitive

  • overrideReplicationOptions object[]

    The replication options per instance, if provided, will override the replication options from the target. For the instances not in this list, the options are applied from the target.

  • sourceVM object required
  • GUID string
  • name string
  • instanceName string required

    Display name for the destination instance

  • regionName string required

    The name of the AWS region where the destination instance will reside

  • availabilityZone string required

    The name of AWS zone where the destination instance will reside

  • volumeType string

    ID of the volume type that will be used on the destination instance. Default value is Auto

  • encryptionKey string

    The ID of the encryption key that will be used to encrypt the data of the desination instance. Default value is Auto

  • network object

    Network info

  • vpc string

    The ID of the VPC

  • subnetId string

    The ID of the subnet

  • name string

    The name of the network

  • privateIPaddress string

    The private IP address of the network

  • securityGroups object[]

    The security group to be applied to the destination instance that acts as a virtual firewall. Default value is Auto

  • id string

    Security group id

  • name string

    security group name

  • instanceType string

    The available CPU cores and memory to be used on the destination instance. Default value is Auto

  • guestCredentials object

    Faster performance can be achieved during replication by using the VSA access node running on the Amazon instance. Applicable only if the source VM is Windows and the source hypervisor is not Amazon vendor.

  • computerName string

    The name of the computer

  • userName string

    The user to be used to access the computer

  • password string

    The password of the user in Base64 format



  • id int32
  • name string