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Get Jobs for a Backup Destination


Customer Managed

Get the list of Jobs for selected backupDestinationId.

Path Parameters
  • backupDestinationId int32 required

    Id of the BackupDestination to fetch Job List.

Query Parameters
  • view string

    Default value: last24Hours

    Time period selection for which to fetch jobs. Accepted values [last24Hours, lastWeek, lastMonth, last3Months, custom]. When custom is selected Jobs are filtered based on values provided in other params.

  • clients string

    Comma separated Client Ids to filter the jobs based on clients associated

  • agedData int32

    Aged Jobs selection. Accepted values [ 0 to exclude aged jobs, 1 to show only aged jobs, 2 to include aged jobs].

  • backupLvl int32

    Job backup type filter. Accepted values [1=Full, 2=Incremental, 4=Differential, 8=All, 64=Synthetic full].

  • copyState int32

    Filter jobs by data status. Accepted values [0 = show all, 1 = show available, 4 = show to be copied, 8 = show not to be copied, 16 = show extended retained].

  • startTime int64

    Start time of the time range.

  • endTime int64

    End time of the time range.

  • minAppSizeMB int64

    Minimum size of job in Megabytes for application size range filter

  • maxAppSizeMB int64

    Maximum size of job in Megabytes for application size range filter



  • jobs object[]
  • jobId int32

    The system-generated Id assigned to the job

  • status string

    The status of the job

  • server object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • agentType object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • subClient object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • jobType string

    Backup level of the Job

  • startTime int64

    The date and time the job started

  • sizeOfApplication int64

    The amount of application data that was protected during the job

  • retainUntil int64

    The date and time until job should be retained

  • instance object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • backupSet object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • region object
  • id int32
  • name string
  • retentionReason string

    Reason for retaining the job

  • username string

    User who initiated the job

  • description string

    Job description

  • savingPercentage float

    The percentage of space saved due to deduplication and compression, if employed

  • dataWritten int64

    Size of the data stored on the media.

  • avgThroughput float

    Average throughput of the job

  • endTime int64

    The date and time the job ended

  • duration int64

    The time duration for which the job ran

  • dataVerificationStatus int32

    Specify if Job data is verified by periodic DV jobs. Possible values [0 = unchecked, 1 = expired, 2 = do not check, 3 = to be checked, 4 = partial checked, 5 = successful, 6 = failed]

  • hardwareEncrypted boolean

    Set to true if Job is hardware encrypted

  • lastVerifiedOn string

    Last DataVerification time

  • copiedTime int64

    Auxcopied time

  • encrypted boolean

    Set to true if Job is encrypted

  • parentJobId int64

    Parent JobId in a linked job

  • retainedBy int32

    Reason for retention

  • deduplicated boolean

    Set to true if Job is deduplicated.

  • requiredByJobs string

    Comma separated list of linked Jobs

  • strRetainedBy string

    Possible values: [No Data Available, User, Extended Retention, Basic Retention]

    String defining reason for retention

  • strDataVerificationStatus string

    Possible values: [Not Picked, Expired, Picked, Partial, Successful, Failed, Invalid data received.]

    Specify if Job data is verified by periodic DV jobs. Possible values [unchecked, expired, do not check, to be checked, partial checked, successful, failed]

  • isAged boolean

    Set to true if Job is marked as aged.

  • statusId int32

    The status id of the job

  • jobAttributesEx int64

    The jobAttributesEx field is an internal attribute used to construct Admin Console URLs. It contains additional attributes and information specific to each job.

  • isSoftAged boolean

    Indicates if job is soft aged or not.

  • retentionCode string

    Indicates the retained reason string.

  • estMediaSize int64

    The estimated space occupied by the backed up data on the media.

  • snapCatalogStatus string

    Possible values: [Not Applicable, Partial, Picked, Success, Not picked]

    The status for snap catalog jobs.
