Update Plan SLA
Customer Managed
This operation updates the SLA (service level agreement) for a plan.
Path Parameters
- planId string required
- application/json
Request Body required
options object
- 200
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- Example 1
plan object
errors object[]
"plan": {
"storageResourcePoolMap": [
"storage": {
"storagePoolName": "string",
"storagePoolId": 0
"definesStorage": {
"definesEntity": true,
"overrideEntity": 0
"securityAssociations": {
"associations": [
"company": {},
"userOrGroup": [
"userGroupName": "string",
"userGroupId": 0,
"_type_": 0
"properties": {
"isCreatorAssociation": true,
"role": {
"_type_": 0,
"roleId": 0,
"roleName": "string"
"ownerAssociations": {},
"tagWithCompany": {
"providerId": 0,
"providerDomainName": "string"
"featureInfo": {
"edgedriveInfo": {
"enableNotificationsForShares": true,
"auditDriveActivities": true,
"edgeDriveAssociations": {}
"definesEdgeDriveInfo": {
"definesEntity": true,
"overrideEntity": 0
"inheritance": {
"isSealed": true,
"enforcedEntities": [
"storage": {
"enableBackupCopy": true,
"isDefaultCopyDistributedStorage": true,
"storagePolicy": {
"storagePolicyName": "string",
"storagePolicyId": 0
"copy": [
"copyType": 0,
"active": 0,
"isDefault": 0,
"isSnapCopy": 0,
"isMirrorCopy": 0,
"copyPrecedence": 0,
"storageType": 0,
"dedupeFlags": {
"enableDASHFull": 0,
"pauseAndRecoverCurrentDDB": 0,
"useGlobalDedupStore": 0,
"automaticallyPauseAndRecoverDDB": 0,
"enableDeduplication": 0,
"enableClientSideDedup": 0
"regionMap": [
"retentionRules": {
"retainBackupDataForCycles": 0,
"jobs": 0,
"retainArchiverDataForDays": 0,
"retainBackupDataForDays": 0,
"retentionFlags": {
"jobBasedRetention": 0
"StoragePolicyCopy": {
"copyId": 0,
"copyName": "string"
"extendedFlags": {
"useGlobalStoragePolicy": 0
"drivePool": {
"drivePoolName": "string",
"drivePoolId": 0
"library": {
"libraryName": "string",
"libraryId": 0
"useGlobalPolicy": {
"storagePolicyName": "string",
"storagePolicyId": 0
"definesSchedule": {
"definesEntity": true,
"overrideEntity": 0
"laptop": {
"features": {
"categoryPermission": {}
"accessPolicies": {
"categoryPermission": {}
"definesAccessPolicies": {
"definesEntity": true,
"overrideEntity": 0
"content": {
"backupContent": [
"idatype": 0,
"subClientPolicy": {
"backupSetEntity": {
"backupsetId": 0,
"_type_": 0,
"backupsetName": "string"
"subClientList": [
"status": 0,
"useLocalContent": true,
"useLocalArchivalRules": true,
"canChangeEncryptionSetting": true,
"hcSubclientProp": {},
"impersonateUser": {},
"planEntity": {},
"cassandraProps": {},
"splunkProps": {},
"proxyClient": {},
"dcPlanEntity": {},
"subClientEntity": {
"clientName": "string",
"instanceName": "string",
"displayName": "string",
"backupsetId": 0,
"_type_": 0,
"commCellName": "string",
"instanceId": 0,
"csGUID": "string",
"subclientGUID": "string",
"subclientId": 0,
"clientId": 0,
"appName": "string",
"backupsetName": "string",
"applicationId": 0,
"subclientName": "string"
"dfsSubclientProp": {
"distributedDataAccessNodes": {}
"fsSubClientProp": {
"retainPerDayPeriod": 0,
"useGlobalFilters": 0,
"syncAllLibForBackup": true,
"useVSSForSystemState": true,
"isAccessTimeCollected": true,
"pendingRecordChange": "string",
"unixCtime": true,
"backupSystemState": true,
"afterDeletionKeepItemsForNDays": 0,
"saveWhileActiveOpt": "string",
"catalogAdditional": true,
"extendRetentionForNDays": 0,
"customSubclientFlag": true,
"isTrueUpOptionEnabledForFS": true,
"enableContentIndexing": true,
"retentionPolicy": 0,
"contentIndexingPolicy": 0,
"activeWaitTime": 0,
"archiverRetentionMode": 0,
"runTrueUpJobAfterDaysForFS": 0,
"useVSS": true,
"isSynthfullRunAfterOnePassEnabledOnSubclient": true,
"catalogACL": true,
"syncQueue": "string",
"genSignatureOnIBMi": 0,
"otherPendingChange": "string",
"useStoragePolicyRetention": true,
"backupAsObjects": true,
"forcedArchiving": true,
"checkArchiveBit": true,
"olderFileVersionsMode": 0,
"backupRetentionMode": 0,
"txtlibSyncCheckPoint": "string",
"backupSystemStateforFullBkpOnly": true,
"keepVersions": 0,
"scanOption": 0,
"retainPerMonthPeriod": 0,
"unixMtime": true,
"runTrueUpJobAfterJobsForFS": 0,
"oneTouchSubclient": true,
"retainPerWeekPeriod": 0,
"backupUsingMultipleDrives": true,
"keepOlderVersionsForNDays": 0,
"ocsUserName": {},
"backupConfigurationIDA": {},
"ibmiSubclientprop": {},
"oneTouchServer": {
"_type_": 0
"edgeSubclientPolicyProp": {
"enableRetentionRulesForVersions": true,
"isIndefiniteRetention": true
"backupFilesOnOrAfterDate": {
"_type_": 0
"diskCleanupRules": {
"stubPruningOptions": 0,
"afterArchivingRule": 0,
"stubRetentionDaysOld": 0,
"patternMatch": "string",
"rulesToSatisfy": 0,
"entityMatch": "string",
"diskCleanupFileTypes": {}
"region": {},
"content": [
"path": "string"
"commonProperties": {
"nextBackupTime": 0,
"slaStatus": 0,
"isAdAppAwareSubclient": true,
"disableArchivingTurboRule": true,
"firstBackupTime": 0,
"lastBackupTime": 0,
"indexingBackupSubClient": true,
"allowVssForSnapbackup": true,
"isActivityDisabledFromPolicy": true,
"enableBackupAfterDelay": true,
"runAs": 0,
"onBoardCompanyId": 0,
"sizeOnMedia": 0,
"enableBackup": true,
"numberOfBackupStreams": 0,
"idaType": 0,
"runTrueUpJobAfterDays": 0,
"totalBackupSize": 0,
"isDefaultSubclient": true,
"dedupeRatio": 0,
"isTrueUpOptionEnabled": true,
"slaCategory": 0,
"subClientPropertiesFlag": 0,
"lastBackupSize": 0,
"allowMultipleDataReaders": true,
"readBuffersize": 0,
"securityAssociations": {
"ownerAssociations": {},
"tagWithCompany": {
"providerId": 0,
"providerDomainName": "string"
"associatedSnapShotSCId": {
"_type_": 0
"snapCopyInfo": {
"backupCopyInterface": 0,
"IsOracleSposDriverEnabled": true,
"isRMANEnableForTapeMovement": true,
"useProxyForSQLIntegrity": {},
"sybaseUser": {},
"snapToTapeSelectedEngine": {
"_type_": 0
"sqlUser": {},
"vmApplicationUser": {},
"snapToTapeProxyToUse": {
"_type_": 0
"quiesceImpersonateUser": {},
"separateProxyForSnapToTape": {
"_type_": 0
"sshKey": {},
"configuredSybaseInstance": {
"_type_": 0
"subclientPolicy": {
"_type_": 0
"impersonateUserCredentialinfo": {
"credentialId": 0,
"credentialName": "string"
"enableBackupAtDateTime": {
"TimeZoneID": 0,
"time": 0
"turboNASClient": {
"_type_": 0
"prepostProcess": {
"runPostScan": 0,
"runPostBackup": 0,
"runPostLog": 0,
"prepostUserName": {}
"security": {
"associatedUserGroups": [
"userGroupId": 0,
"_type_": 0,
"userGroupName": "string"
"advancedPrivacySettings": {
"isPasskeyFeatureEnabled": true,
"authType": 0,
"isPrivacyFeatureEnabled": true,
"passkeySettings": {
"enableAuthorizeForRestore": true,
"expirationTime": {
"time": 0
"ownerCapabilities": {}
"storageDevice": {
"networkAgents": 0,
"applicableReadSize": 0,
"softwareCompression": 0,
"throttleNetworkBandwidth": 0,
"dataBackupStoragePolicy": {
"_type_": 0,
"storagePolicyName": "string",
"storagePolicyId": 0
"deDuplicationOptions": {
"enableDeduplication": true,
"generateSignature": 0
"logBackupStoragePolicy": {
"_type_": 0
"performanceMode": {
"perfSPName": "string",
"multiplexingValid": true,
"enableMultiplexing": true,
"perfCopyName": "string",
"perfClientName": "string",
"streamsOverMux": true,
"pipelineBufferSize": 0,
"numOfPipelineBuffers": 0,
"muxFactor": 0,
"lookAheadReaderSlots": 0,
"perfCRCDetails": [
"crcOverMedia": true,
"perfMaId": 0,
"crcOverNetwork": true,
"perfMa": "string"
"UNCScriptCredentialinfo": {
"credentialId": 0,
"credentialName": "string"
"vmBackupValidationSettings": {
"isAppValidationEnabled": true,
"backupValidationThreadCount": 0,
"subTaskId": 0,
"isCustomAppEnabled": true,
"runAsDevTestGroup": true,
"taskId": 0,
"useSourceVMEsxToMount": true,
"uncScriptImpersonateUser": {
"userName": "string"
"prepostCredentialinfo": {
"credentialId": 0,
"credentialName": "string"
"associatedPolicy": {
"subclientPolicyId": 0
"guestCredentialinfo": {
"credentialId": 0,
"credentialName": "string"
"analyticsSubclientProp": {}
"definesSubclientContentMac": {
"definesEntity": true,
"overrideEntity": 0
"definesSubclientContentLin": {
"definesEntity": true,
"overrideEntity": 0
"definesSubclientWin": {
"definesEntity": true,
"overrideEntity": 0
"definesSubclientArcRulesWin": {
"definesEntity": true,
"overrideEntity": 0
"definesSubclientRetentionWin": {
"definesEntity": true,
"overrideEntity": 0
"definesSubclientArcRulesLin": {
"definesEntity": true,
"overrideEntity": 0
"definesSubclientRetentionLin": {
"definesEntity": true,
"overrideEntity": 0
"definesSubclientContentWin": {
"definesEntity": true,
"overrideEntity": 0
"definesSubclientRetentionMac": {
"definesEntity": true,
"overrideEntity": 0
"definesSubclientMac": {
"definesEntity": true,
"overrideEntity": 0
"definesSubclientLin": {
"definesEntity": true,
"overrideEntity": 0
"users": {},
"definesFeatures": {
"definesEntity": true,
"overrideEntity": 0
"operationWindow": {
"ruleId": 0
"replicationTargets": {},
"database": {
"slaInMinutes": 0,
"rpoInMinutes": 0,
"daysBetweenAutoConvertBackup": 0,
"scheduleLog": {
"associations": [
"planName": "string",
"srmReportSet": 0,
"planId": 0,
"srmTemplateId": 0,
"subclientId": 0,
"clientGroupId": 0,
"storagePolicyId": 0,
"copyId": 0,
"applicationId": 0,
"backupsetId": 0,
"instanceId": 0,
"sidbStoreId": 0,
"clientId": 0,
"srmTemplateName": "string",
"agentlessPolicyId": 0,
"mediaAgentId": 0,
"workflowId": 0,
"_type_": 0,
"trackingPolicyId": 0,
"flags": {
"exclude": true
"task": {
"description": "string",
"ownerId": 0,
"runUserId": 0,
"taskType": 0,
"ownerName": "string",
"alertId": 0,
"GUID": "string",
"policyType": 0,
"associatedObjects": 0,
"taskName": "string",
"taskId": 0,
"securityAssociations": {
"associations": [
"company": {},
"userOrGroup": [
"userId": 0,
"_type_": 0,
"userName": "string"
"properties": {
"isCreatorAssociation": true,
"role": {
"_type_": 0,
"roleId": 0,
"roleName": "string"
"ownerAssociations": {},
"tagWithCompany": {
"providerId": 0,
"providerDomainName": "string"
"originalCC": {
"commCellId": 0
"taskSecurity": {
"associatedUserGroups": [
"userGroupId": 0,
"_type_": 0,
"userGroupName": "string"
"advancedPrivacySettings": {
"authType": 0,
"passkeySettings": {
"enableAuthorizeForRestore": true,
"expirationTime": {
"time": 0
"ownerCapabilities": {}
"createAs": {
"user": {
"user": {
"userName": "string",
"userId": 0
"taskFlags": {
"isEdgeDrive": true,
"isEZOperation": true,
"forDDB": true,
"uninstalled": true,
"isServerPlanAssociated": true,
"isSystem": true,
"isIndexBackup": true,
"disabled": true,
"isEdiscovery": true
"task": {
"taskName": "string",
"taskId": 0
"appGroup": {
"appGroups": [
"appGroupName": "string",
"appGroupId": 0
"subTasks": [
"subTask": {
"subTaskOrder": 0,
"subTaskName": "string",
"subTaskType": 0,
"flags": 0,
"operationType": 0,
"subTaskId": 0,
"subTask": {
"subtaskId": 0,
"subtaskName": "string"
"pattern": {
"active_end_occurence": 0,
"freq_subday_interval": 0,
"freq_type": 0,
"patternId": 0,
"flags": 0,
"description": "string",
"active_end_time": 0,
"active_end_date": 0,
"skipOccurence": 0,
"skipDayNumber": 0,
"active_start_time": 0,
"freq_restart_interval": 0,
"active_start_date": 0,
"freq_interval": 0,
"freq_relative_interval": 0,
"name": "string",
"freq_recurrence_factor": 0,
"calendar": {
"calendarName": "string",
"calendarId": 0
"timeZone": {
"TimeZoneID": 0
"options": {
"backupOpts": {
"truncateLogsOnSource": true,
"sybaseSkipFullafterLogBkp": true,
"backupLevel": 0,
"incLevel": 0,
"runIncrementalBackup": true,
"cumulative": true,
"doNotTruncateLog": true,
"dataOpt": {
"useCatalogServer": true,
"followMountPoints": true,
"enforceTransactionLogUsage": true,
"skipConsistencyCheck": true,
"daysBetweenSyntheticBackup": 0,
"autoCopy": true
"oracleOptions": {
"deleteArchLogOptions": {
"backupArchiveLogCriteria": 0
"backupArchLogOptions": {
"backupArchiveLogCriteria": 0,
"startLSN": 0,
"endLSN": 0,
"backupArchiveLog": true
"distAppsBackupOptions": {
"runLogBkp": true,
"runDataBkp": true
"commonOpts": {
"automaticSchedulePattern": {
"maxBackupInterval": 0,
"sweepStartTime": 0,
"useStorageSpaceFromMA": true,
"minBackupIntervalMinutes": 0,
"maxBackupIntervalMinutes": 0,
"minBackupInterval": 0,
"logFileNum": {
"threshold": 0,
"enabled": true
"diskUsedPercent": {
"threshold": 0,
"enabled": true
"logPercent": {
"threshold": 0,
"enabled": true
"storageLog": {},
"definesScheduleLog": {
"definesEntity": true,
"overrideEntity": 0
"definesStorageLog": {
"definesEntity": true,
"overrideEntity": 0
"options": {
"enableIndexing": true,
"optimizeForInstantClone": true,
"forcedArchiving": true,
"enableThreatAnalysis": true,
"quota": 0,
"bCloudModeEnabled": true,
"encryptionInfo": {
"encryptKeyLength": 0,
"directMediaAccess": 0,
"cipherType": 0,
"encryptionSettings": 0
"planActivityControl": {
"activityControlOptions": [
"activityType": 0,
"enableAfterADelay": true,
"enableActivityType": true
"slaOptions": {
"slaDays": 0,
"excludeSLA": true,
"level": 0,
"delayInterval": 0,
"inheritedSLA": {
"slaDays": 0,
"entityType": 0
"autoRetireDevices": {
"retireDevicesAfterDays": 0,
"forceDeleteDevicesAfterDays": 0
"definition": {
"possible": [
"required": [
"definesEEPolicy": {
"definesEntity": true,
"overrideEntity": 0
"summary": {
"type": 0,
"slaInterval": 0,
"numDevices": 0,
"subtype": 0,
"isElastic": true,
"slaInMinutes": 0,
"restrictions": 0,
"planStatusFlag": 0,
"rpoInMinutes": 0,
"numUsers": 0,
"addons": {
"database": true,
"snapStatus": 0,
"filesystem": true,
"snap": true
"permissions": [
"permissionId": 0
"plan": {
"planSubtype": 0,
"_type_": 0,
"planType": 0,
"planName": "string",
"planId": 0
"planOwner": {
"_type_": 0,
"userName": "string",
"userId": 0
"fullOperationWindow": {
"ruleId": 0
"alerts": {},
"schedule": {
"associations": [
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"planId": 0,
"srmTemplateId": 0,
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"clientGroupId": 0,
"storagePolicyId": 0,
"copyId": 0,
"applicationId": 0,
"backupsetId": 0,
"instanceId": 0,
"sidbStoreId": 0,
"clientId": 0,
"srmTemplateName": "string",
"agentlessPolicyId": 0,
"mediaAgentId": 0,
"workflowId": 0,
"_type_": 0,
"trackingPolicyId": 0,
"flags": {
"exclude": true
"task": {
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"ownerId": 0,
"runUserId": 0,
"taskType": 0,
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"alertId": 0,
"GUID": "string",
"policyType": 0,
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"taskId": 0,
"securityAssociations": {
"associations": [
"company": {},
"userOrGroup": [
"userId": 0,
"_type_": 0,
"userName": "string"
"properties": {
"isCreatorAssociation": true,
"role": {
"_type_": 0,
"roleId": 0,
"roleName": "string"
"ownerAssociations": {},
"tagWithCompany": {
"providerId": 0,
"providerDomainName": "string"
"originalCC": {
"commCellId": 0
"taskSecurity": {
"associatedUserGroups": [
"userGroupId": 0,
"_type_": 0,
"userGroupName": "string"
"advancedPrivacySettings": {
"authType": 0,
"passkeySettings": {
"enableAuthorizeForRestore": true,
"expirationTime": {
"time": 0
"ownerCapabilities": {}
"createAs": {
"user": {
"user": {
"userName": "string",
"userId": 0
"taskFlags": {
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"isEZOperation": true,
"forDDB": true,
"uninstalled": true,
"isServerPlanAssociated": true,
"isSystem": true,
"isIndexBackup": true,
"disabled": true,
"isEdiscovery": true
"task": {
"taskName": "string",
"taskId": 0
"appGroup": {},
"subTasks": [
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"subTaskName": "string",
"subTaskType": 0,
"flags": 0,
"operationType": 0,
"subTaskId": 0,
"subTask": {
"subtaskId": 0,
"subtaskName": "string",
"taskId": 0
"pattern": {
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"freq_subday_interval": 0,
"freq_type": 0,
"patternId": 0,
"flags": 0,
"description": "string",
"active_end_time": 0,
"active_end_date": 0,
"skipOccurence": 0,
"skipDayNumber": 0,
"active_start_time": 0,
"freq_restart_interval": 0,
"active_start_date": 0,
"freq_interval": 0,
"freq_relative_interval": 0,
"name": "string",
"freq_recurrence_factor": 0,
"calendar": {
"calendarName": "string",
"calendarId": 0
"timeZone": {
"TimeZoneID": 0
"options": {
"backupOpts": {
"truncateLogsOnSource": true,
"backupLevel": 0,
"incLevel": 0,
"runIncrementalBackup": true,
"doNotTruncateLog": true,
"vsaBackupOptions": {
"backupFailedVMsOnly": true
"dataOpt": {
"useCatalogServer": true,
"followMountPoints": true,
"useMultiStream": true,
"useMaximumStreams": true,
"enforceTransactionLogUsage": true,
"skipConsistencyCheck": true,
"maxNumberOfStreams": 0,
"createNewIndex": true,
"daysBetweenSyntheticBackup": 0,
"autoCopy": true,
"stopWinService": true,
"stopDhcpService": true,
"optimizedBackup": true,
"bkpFilesProctedByFS": true,
"granularrecovery": true,
"verifySynthFull": true
"bkpLatestVersion": true,
"collectMetaInfo": true,
"incrementalDataWithLogs": true,
"autoConvertBackupLevel": true,
"cdrOptions": {
"incremental": true,
"dataVerificationOnly": true,
"full": true
"nasOptions": {
"snapShotType": 0,
"backupQuotas": true
"vaultTrackerOpt": {
"mediaStatus": {
"bad": true,
"overwriteProtected": true,
"full": true
"mediaOpt": {
"numberofDays": 0,
"retentionJobType": 0,
"waitForInlineBackupResources": true,
"allowOtherSchedulesToUseMediaSet": true,
"markMediaFullOnSuccess": true,
"startNewMedia": true,
"auxcopyJobOption": {
"autoCopy": true
"commonOpts": {
"automaticSchedulePattern": {
"maxBackupInterval": 0,
"ignoreOpWindowPastMaxInterval": true,
"minBackupIntervalMinutes": 0,
"maxBackupIntervalMinutes": 0,
"minSyncInterval": 0,
"minBackupInterval": 0,
"minSyncIntervalMinutes": 0,
"stopIfOnBattery": {
"enabled": true
"acPower": {
"enabled": true
"specfificNetwork": {
"enabled": true,
"ipAddress": {
"subnet": 0,
"address": "string"
"stopSleepIfBackUp": {
"enabled": true
"dontUseMeteredNetwork": {
"enabled": true
"newOrModifiedFile": {
"enabled": true
"useSelectedSSID": {
"enabled": true
"wiredNetworkConnection": {
"enabled": true
"minNetworkBandwidth": {
"enabled": true
"useStorageSpaceFromMA": true
"useJobStartTimeForContinuousSchedule": true,
"jobRetryOpts": {
"runningTime": {
"totalRunningTime": 0
"adminOpts": {
"contentIndexingOption": {
"subClientBasedAnalytics": true
"snapToTapeOption": {
"allowMaximum": true,
"noofJobsToRun": 0
"restoreOptions": {
"commonOptions": {
"syncRestore": true
"indexCopy": {
"schedule": {
"task": {}
"office365Info": {
"o365Exchange": {
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"overrideEntity": 0
"definesMBCleanup": {
"definesEntity": true,
"overrideEntity": 0
"definesMBArchiving": {
"definesEntity": true,
"overrideEntity": 0
"o365CloudOffice": {
"definesCABackup": {
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"overrideEntity": 0
"definesCARetention": {
"definesEntity": true,
"overrideEntity": 0
"definesCACleanup": {
"definesEntity": true,
"overrideEntity": 0
"associatedEntitiesCount": {
"snapSubclients": 0
"eDiscoveryInfo": {
"definesContentAnalyzerCloud": {
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"overrideEntity": 0
"definesAnalyticsIndexServer": {
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"overrideEntity": 0
"exchange": {
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"definesMBCleanup": {
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"overrideEntity": 0
"definesMBArchiving": {
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"definesMBJournal": {
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"overrideEntity": 0
"entityRules": {},
"definesCIPolicy": {
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"snapInfo": {
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"snapTask": {
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"workflowId": 0,
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"_type_": 0,
"trackingPolicyId": 0,
"flags": {
"exclude": true
"task": {
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"GUID": "string",
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"taskId": 0,
"securityAssociations": {
"associations": [
"company": {},
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"description": "Continuous Schedule After 240 minutes",
"active_end_time": 0,
"active_end_date": 0,
"skipOccurence": 0,
"skipDayNumber": 0,
"active_start_time": 28800,
"freq_restart_interval": 0,
"active_start_date": 1594823400,
"freq_interval": 240,
"freq_relative_interval": 0,
"name": "",
"freq_recurrence_factor": 1,
"calendar": {
"calendarName": "Standard",
"calendarId": 1
"timeZone": {
"TimeZoneID": 1000
"options": {
"backupOpts": {
"backupLevel": 2,
"dataOpt": {
"useCatalogServer": true,
"enforceTransactionLogUsage": true,
"autoCopy": false
"mediaOpt": {
"markMediaFullOnSuccess": false,
"startNewMedia": false,
"auxcopyJobOption": {
"autoCopy": true
"adminOpts": {
"contentIndexingOption": {
"subClientBasedAnalytics": false
"snapToTapeOption": {
"allowMaximum": true,
"noofJobsToRun": 1
"restoreOptions": {
"commonOptions": {
"syncRestore": false
"commonOpts": {
"automaticSchedulePattern": {
"useStorageSpaceFromMA": false
"errors": [
"entity": {},
"status": {
"errorCode": 266
PUT /v2/plan/:planid/sla
type: apiKeyname: Authtokenin: header
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-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authtoken: <API_KEY_VALUE>' \
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-H 'Authtoken: <API_KEY_VALUE>' \
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